Gunsmoke – Robin Hood. ep143, 550108.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Matt and Chester stroll the walk and greet Kitty as she returns to Dodge. Her stage had been robbed by a man who selectively robbed some passengers, but not all. Descriptions of the outlaw and his horse don’t help much. Matt manages to figure out the motives of the bandit, but has no solid proof. It’s Chester who makes the connection to the style of Robin Hood. <br> With the bandit playing on the sympathy of the poor, will Matt stand a chance at catching him? As Matt talks to Doc about his problem, he concludes that he’ll need to outsmart the Robin Hood to get unquestionable proof at his robberies. For Matt to run him out of Dodge, or haul him in would put public sympathies on the side of the bandit. <br> Matt uses another local crook to fleece the other bandit. How will this force Robin Hood’s hand? It definitely stirs up some activity that pushes the Western Robin Hood to become more desperate, and less ethical in who he robs. Matt is able to monitor the bandits activities and he waits for the perfect timing to nab the bad guy. Good thing Sherwood Forrest didn’t have Matt Dillon as Sheriff, orthat old Robin Hood story might have painted him in a different light, and with a less than happy ending for poor old Robin. <br>