Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Great Gildersleeve – Gildy Traces Genealogy. ep203, 460324 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:49

audio is a bit static E, but otherwise okay. When he receives an invitation to a costume ball, Gildy is not interested in attending. Marjorie, and Leroy think the ball is a good idea, because he is to dressed up as a historical character. Namely, as someone in the family tree. Not fully convinced, gildersleeve seeks refuge with Layla Ransom and a cozy fire to snuggle up next to. He has a change of heart, once he realizes that she wants to attend the ball. What kind of costume does she plan to wear? For that matter what will the judge be wearing, as well as others in town? Lost in imagination, Gildy enjoys his mental trip to an island paradise where Layla is a native girl. As he peruses information about his family tree he also discovers a financier in his family line. pevey, and Judge Hooker play parts and gildersleeve’s fantasy of being a millionaire. What would it look like to have Marjorie and Leroy fill a cultured bill in this role play? What role will Layla Ransom play, and what is your relationship to the judge in this scenario? Although he discovers colorful characters in his past, Will Gildersleeve find anyone he can dress up as for the ball? As swashbuckling black jack Gildersleeve, he calls his prisoners into his captain’s quarters. How will his pirate fantasy play out for characters such as Layla, the judge, or birdie? How will his historical findings be affected by data thatMarjorie, and Leroy discovered from an elderly aunt? Just who is this butcher from Pennsylvania, named Gouldenslob?

 Aldrich Family – Everyone Sleeps Over (or, Moving Day). ep206, 431007 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:55

One thing about teenagers, is that they can have a lot of fun with things that parents consider a bore. For example, at Kathleen’s house it’s moving day, and Henry is on hand for some fun. With having all their affects packed up, Henry offers to invite the family to his house for dinner. Shouldn’t he at least ask his mother? After all what does she have to do with making dinner? At home, we discovered that Mrs. Aldrich has been canning all day, and otherwise busy in the kitchen. But Mr. Alddrich may also have had plans to invite the business associate over. Can mother phone the Anderson home and set things right with Kathleens mom? Before along the Anderson’s are invited over for more than just a meal. Mixed signals, and crossed wires abound. Ed Wilson is a business associate of Mr. Aldrich, and the one person who they wouldn’t have minded having over for dinner, or spending the night. Surprises compound wants the Anderson’s arrive as the weekend house guests. Will there be enough food for everyone? Let alone enough room for sleeping space. But wait, there’s more, Homer thinks he is invited as well and brings his mother along too. As complicated as weekend sleeping arrangements are, they aren’t quite over yet.

 Molle Mystery Theater – Goodbye Darling. 460524 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:37

A story that starts with the cold blooded planning of murder, and ends up as a battle of wits. Lily and George are in a marriage filled with bills, no money, and stress. Does he know about her tryst? Does George suspect the plan that his wife is planning against him? Running an ad to take on a boarder is the opening to get the ball rolling. As her lover, Curtis, answers the ad and moves in the murder is planned, with its intent to make it appear as an accident. Elaborate details are layed out, alibis are put into place, and the big moment approaches. The near miss only setws Curtis on looking for a different way to knock off George, but the wary husband might just be on to the new plans. Accidents become the name of the game. The three go on an outing where the accidents don’t work out as planned, and soon George is planning his own accidents. Who will manage to hit a home un in this game of errors? And what will the police have to say in the matter when it happens>

 Lum and Abner – Lum Tries To Get Out Of The Contest. 450104 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:31

Just when he thought he was out of it, Lum has discovered that Miss Platt has already registered him to sing in the contest. Today, we find Abner coaching him on how to sing correctly. Lum has told him a thousand, or a hundred times, he just can’t do it. As excited as Abner is over the contest, Lum wishes that he would do it instead. The singing lesson continues, but Lum thinks his only chance to win might be to cheat. Can Lum lay low, and hideout for three days? Will it ruined his chances with Miss Platt if she should find out about that? All of Abner’s encouraging seems to be falling on deaf ears. It just seems like a simple way to get Miss Plat to fall for his friend. When Abner is all set to leave Lum to stew over it, the phone rings. It’s miss plat. What is the good news that Miss Emma lean is calling about? Is the contest called off? Don’t get your hopes up on that idea Lum.

 Rogues Gallery – Latin Type. ep48, 460523 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:44

From the Mystery Playhouse, a presentation of Rogue’s Gallery. Traveling by train, Rogue meets up with a tall, dark mysterious woman. He claims to have rescued her from a pack of military wolves, but has she just traded the soldier boys wolf pack for a sly dog, as Rogue invites her to his compartment? Tough guys start appearing at Rogue’s compartment, looking for a briefcase. How convenient to have a pair of matching cases. I feel a mix up coming on. As the gangster takes the case and runs, Rogue doesn’t have much time to wonder at it before he gets a thump on the head. Hey, I like this version of Eugor, that little inner voice. Not annoying at all. Rogue wakes to find his secretary Betty has also had a thump, and the knock at the door is the train officials about the damage done to the compartment. Finding the briefcase that isn’t his, Rogue seeks out that dark haired beauty to find answers. It could be a neat trick with that knife sticking out of her like that though. With the cops handling the case, Rogue learns the dead woman is the wife of a gangster, Charlie Miller. Taking a break at a hotel, Betty calls in the story to her newspaper editor, and Rogue manages to get that case open. It’s full of $100 bills. Calling the cops in on the deal, Rogue plans a trap, unless he falls into a trap first. In smooth style, the trap is sprung, the cops get their man, and Rogue gets a little payoff of his own. PS: Betty is a reporter in this episode, but she’s normally the sultry secretary that Rogue has a hit or miss relationship with. Depending on the dames that cross his path, or however is convenient for the writers to squeeze in a gag. This has to be one of my more favorite episodes in the series. The mystery isn’t all that interesting, but I like the chemistry in this one between Rogue and Betty, and the producer did a great job with the Eugor character.

 Gunsmoke – Chester’s Murder. ep144, 550115. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:09

A man approaches Matt about buying a horse, but Mat is a little too distracted. As he and the horse trader head out to relax at the Long Branch saloon, Sam the bartender warns him there looks like a fight brewing. Matt breaks up the fight between the drunken gambler and Chester for now, but the man threatens to pick this back up when he’s sober. As the men go separate ways, and Matt talks with Sam, a shot rings out and the gambler is killed with Chester holding the smoking gun. Chester claims that he was jumped and knocked down, but who would believe a story like that? It’s a shaky story, but can Matt do anything about it? With no witnesses to prove Chesters story, will he face a trial, and end up hanging? Matt, and most of the towns folk believe Chester, but without witnesses, don’t see how anything can be done for him, other than going to trial. Matt’s investigation turns up mostly sympathetic people, but then he runs into one man who gives him some flak about Matt being soft on Chester. Could this be the man to suspect? There’s some new reason for a murder. The salloon girl that Chester got in his fight over, announces she is to be married. Matt smells a rat, and sets up a diversion to draw out the killer in hopes of making him show himself. The plan goes down. Who is that shadowy figure who runs down the dark alley? Is it really the salloon girl, or is she just trying to protect someone? The plot twists unravel, and the truth comes out.

 Our Miss Brooks – Peanuts, The Great Dane. ep42, 490522. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

Many of the daily problems in a school teacher’s life happen outside the classroom. As an example, Connie, Mrs Davis, and Minirva demonstrate a typical morning before school. Mrs Davis has bought andirons, whatever they are. Something that is used with a fireplace, which the apartment seems to not be equipped with. Connie hates to see Mrs Davis taken advantage of, but before anything more can be said, a neighbor comes knocking on the door. Connie gets roped into taking care of the neighbor’s dog, a Great Dane named peanuts. Connie is just as big of a softie as Mrs Davis. Hey, maybe Walter can be sweet talked into taking care of Peanuts for the week? Walter makes his excuses, but what about Stretch? His dad owns a pet shop afterall. With bad luck ruling the day, Connie is forced to take Peanuts to school. Come on now, you knew it was going to have to happen. Connie shares in voiceover how she managed to hide Peanuts in the supply closet. It’s important to keep the dog hidden, and not let Mr Conklin see him. You know what will happen don’t you. Connie tries to tell Conklin he’s seeing things. Stretch has bad news, Peanuts is on the loose in school. Maybe Connie will get lucky and find the big beast in Mr Boynton’s science lab. If she’s not so lucky, maybe she’ll just find the dog there. Boynton spouts off scientific facts about Great Danes, and does his best to figure out where Peanuts might be hiding, but it’s Connie who figures the best place to look is back to Mr Conklin’s office, who is not a well man today. Mr Conklin’s allergies are flairing up, and things are only getting worse when bad news is phoned in by Mrs Davis. That imposing neighbor is now going to let Connie have her huge dog permenantly. Can it get worse? Conklin gets to meet Peanuts face to face. Is there any good news? Well of course, but you’ll need to listen in to discover it on your own.

 X Minus One – Knock. ep5, 550522. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:17

From the far horizons of the unknown come thrilling tales of science fiction. The last man on earth sat alone in a room, when there was a knock at the door. The Zans have conquered the world.All life forms have been removed except for a man who has been unconscious for the past two days. Walter, the professor of anthropology is kept alive, and given whatever he requests for his comfort. Walter is in a zoo, and kept under observation by the Zans, who he nicknames George. The Zans are puzzled by a couple of zoo exhibit that have died. No reason, jno mistreatment, just natural causes, but the Zan can’t understand the concept of death. Later, Walter is shown to his new quarters, and meets his mate, the only other human left alive. Walter explains his theory of how the aliens have done thus far. Walter figures the Zan can be killed, but they seem to experience no aging. A new twist emerges when the Zan think that Walter is behind the critters that are diing off, and threaten him if he won’t make it stop. Though Walter is content to be a zoo exhibit, his new lady friend is a fighter who wants to use their new found knowledge to get back at the aliens. George the Zan tortures Walter, but can he tell the aliens anything helpfl? When Zans begin fropping like flies, will they hold Walter responsible? Death has the Zan afraid, and a desperate decision has to be made fast. What really happened between Walter and the Zan? That’s the question that the woman wants to know, and so do I. The trouble is that the audio cuts off just as he is about to share his secret with her. Though the audio does stop short, there really isn’t much that is missed that you can’t fill in with your own imagination.

 Lum and Abner – A Singing Contest In Hot Springs. 450103 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Following the advice of old dock Peabody, Lum isn’t sure weather being a singer is right for him. In the Jot Em Down store today, Lama tells some alternate ways he is trying to win the heart of Miss Platt. Is it going to work out with her, talking over school business? Lum is just uncomfortable singing with his music partner. Abner gets himself on a sidetrack, talking about Little Pearl, a broken record, and his old dog Blue. Lum finds out that Abner may have been misleading with his competition for Miss Platt. A phone call for old.Peabodys matchmaking service gets the topic back on track. When Miss Emelina Platt phones, Will things be looking up for Lum? The schoolteacher is excited over Lums singing. But is it because Abner has overplayed his friend’s ability? Though Lum would dearly love to be out of his singing commitment, he discovers that Ms. Platt has already registered him.

 Gunsmoke – The Liar from Blackhawk. ep162, 550521. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:56

Chester heads into the Long Branch to share a beer with Miss Kitty. When a stranger puts the moves on her, Chester defends her against the self proclaimed gunfighter, Hank Shin. Matt breaks up the fight, but isn’t impressed with the new comers reputation. Matt has to take off for a week to handle business, but gives Chester a word on how to handle any potential trouble. When Matt gets back, he learns how the reputation of Hank Shin has grown all around Dodge. Kitty shares her opinion of the swaggering Hank Shin. A man who is a bit off center. He’s living a lie, but what’s behind him? Later, Doc and matt catch up on the latest news from Abilene when shots ring out. As doc tends to the injured man, Chester fills in the details of the altercation. Shin is proud of announcing who he is, but claims that all he wants is to be left alone. Just then another gunman rides into Dodge. Matt recognizes the man as an acquaintance from New Mexico territory. What does he want? Is there going to be something to worry about? Shin comes to Matt to ask for help in shedding his reputation. As if his self made pomp counts for anything. At least he leaves his guns with Matt. When shots break the silence after hank leaves, Mat goes to find his nearly lifeless body in the street. Hank shares his secret with Matt about his past that shouldn’t be much of a surprise, as he breathes his last breaths. The visiting gunman has shot him down in an attempt at increasing his resume as a gunman with a reputation, but the plan backfires on him as Matt arrests him for shooting an unarmed coward.

 Phil Harris – Alice’s Birthday. ep95, 490320. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:37

Many men are inclined to forget their wife’s birthday, but not Phil. He and Frankie are out shopping for something special for Alice. Phil suggests that Frankie get her a gift too, so he can make up for the frustration that he has caused over the weeks when he moved in with the family. Phil gets a negligee for Alice, puts it on his tab, and when he has to run off for business he instructs Frankie to find something Alice might like and put it on his bill as well. I don’t know about that Phil, my Spidey senses are tingling. Back in the Harris home Willie pops in to talk with Alice for a moment, then the girls ask Alice about the romance between her and Phil. Alice gives her philosophy on marriage, then she sings, I Got a Crush on You. Phil comes home and Alice is expectant about her gift. For now all she gets is a kiss, but is hopeful that it isn’t yet another negligee. Frankie arrives with the gifts, but Phil is just as surprised as Alice is to see what he brought. Alice was hoping for something more original than the negligee. The disappointed Alice claims to be 22, but the sneaky Phil manages to squeeze out the truth. Phil consults the girls to see if Alice mentioned any special gift ideas. Earlier when Willie stopped by the girls overheard part of the conversation about a mother in law cottage for Willie and Alice’s mom, and suggested that to Phil. Mistaking the gift idea further, Phil wants to get that smaller house as a gift for Alice. Phil sings, Old Time Religion. Frankie takes Phil to see Mr Duffy, a real estate agent who turns out to be the uncle of Julius. Since Julius happens to be visiting his uncle, he sees it as fate that his uncle just happens to have a small house in the country. Frankie and Julius battle wits, and it costs Phil twice as much as it’s worth for the cottage. With Frankie acting as broker, he also under sells Phils house to the agent. Alice is thrilled that Phil bought a mother in law cottage, until she learns that her house has been sold. Phil has his bubble burst when he realizes the truth behind Alice’s intentions for the cottage. Back to the realtor, where Remley stands to make more cash from his commission, acting as Phil’s broker. Trivia alert: In the opening part of the show the announcer alludes to Phil shopping two days late for Alice birthday. Not true. This radio afterall, and Alice real birthday is still several weeks off. She also tries to claim to be 22 or 23, and after the math that Phil sneaks upon her, a closer age for her can be deduced. The truth, according to Wikkipedia is that: Alice Jeanne Leppert was born on May 5, 1915. Which means that at the time of this air date, she was not quite 34.

 Lum and Abner – Baritone Singer, Lum. 450102 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:00

Still serving as his personal romantic adviser, Lum isn’t too thrilled with Abner’s results with the courtship of Miss Platt. Ripping off buttons from his shirt, wearing his clothes in the sloppy fashion, nothing he does seems to bring out the schoolteachers motherly instincts toward him. Why is some of this same advice working for that other fellow sparking Miss Platt, and not for Lum? Though Lum tries to find the identity of his competition, all he does is confuse Abner. When he discovers his competition is a singer, Lum thinks if he sings in the lower voice he may stand a chance. There’s nothing miss Evalina loves more than a baritone singer. Her favorite song is said to be, the Road to Mandalay. It’s too bad her favorite song isn’t, they cut down the old pine tree. Lum feels he could really cut that one down. Embarrassed by his attempts at singing, Lum doesn’t want Cedric to find out what he has been up to. But wait… What’s the song that Cedric is singing as he enters the store?

 Jack Benny – Fred Allen Asks Jack To Appear On His Program. 460519 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:13

In New York, Jack and Don give a few words of praise for the city. Mary has a few words to share about her family from New Jersey. Dennis jokes about a pet monkey. Phil enters to tease Jack about the quality of dates he picked up. Dennis sings, We’ll Gather Lilacs in the Spring Again. A telegram arrives from Fred Allen to invite Jack to his show next week. Jack tries to tell how he made the arrangement with Fred, but Mary goes into flashback mode to tell the true story. In his hotel room, Rochester helps Jack get ready for his bath. With Jack out of the picture, Fred enters to talk with Rochester. Facing off, the two comedians swap jabs at each other. The premise being Fred asking Jack to appear on his show. The ad libs fly through the loosely scripted dialog. Kitzel pops in to break things up with his hot dog stand. After a quick negotiation for Jack’s wage, the deal is made to do the show for Fred.

 Andrews Sisters – Guest – Hoagy Carmichael. ep47, 460130 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:02

Audio skips just a tiny bit, but is OK. Featuring: Harlowe Wilcox. Playlist: * Tropical Heatwave. (Andrews Sisters, Kirt Massey) * Come to Baby Do. (Andrews Sisters) * Day by Day. (Kirt Massey) * You Won’t be Satisfied Til You Break My Heart. (Patty Andrews, Kirt Massey) * Salute to singer, songwriter, and actor, Hoagie Carmichael. * Medley: Lazy Bones, Small Fry. (Hoagie Carmichael) * Chickery Chick. (Andrews Sisters) * Stardust. (Andrews Sisters, Kirt Massey, Hoagie Carmichael)

 Archie Andrews – Jive Talk. 460518. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

Relax and enjoy another visit to Riverdale. Dad enjoys his morning coffee and newspaper. He shares a few news headlines with mom. Archie is torn away from his dreams and rushes through his shower, and morning routine. hope he didn’t forget anything, but dad points out his mistake. Jughead tries to fill Archie in on the jive talk that’s sweeping the teen age scene. He takes the advice and gets a kiss from Betty. Dad gets ready for his lodge meeting of the Benevolent Bulls. Moo. Archie gets home, but that jive talks stuff just doesn’t seem to work the same on moms. It just makes her worried, and she talks to dad about it. Should mom line up a psychiatrist for Archie? After sending Archie on a trip to take dad’s lodge suit to the taylor, he is sent to the doctor. When Archie bumps into Veronica, he gets the wild idea to go out with her, and send Jughead to take his place at the doctor. Archie discovers that Veronica can’t stand jive talk and swears off of ever using it again. Meanwhile, the doctor thinks that Archie is suffering from a split personality, and wants to talk with mom at home. When he gets to the Andrews home, he thinks the whole family is confused, and a little nuts. All except for Archie, of course.


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