Gunsmoke – Chester’s Murder. ep144, 550115.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A man approaches Matt about buying a horse, but Mat is a little too distracted. As he and the horse trader head out to relax at the Long Branch saloon, Sam the bartender warns him there looks like a fight brewing. <br> Matt breaks up the fight between the drunken gambler and Chester for now, but the man threatens to pick this back up when he’s sober. As the men go separate ways, and Matt talks with Sam, a shot rings out and the gambler is killed with Chester holding the smoking gun. <br> Chester claims that he was jumped and knocked down, but who would believe a story like that? It’s a shaky story, but can Matt do anything about it? With no witnesses to prove Chesters story, will he face a trial, and end up hanging? <br> Matt, and most of the towns folk believe Chester, but without witnesses, don’t see how anything can be done for him, other than going to trial. <br> Matt’s investigation turns up mostly sympathetic people, but then he runs into one man who gives him some flak about Matt being soft on Chester. Could this be the man to suspect? There’s some new reason for a murder. The salloon girl that Chester got in his fight over, announces she is to be married. Matt smells a rat, and sets up a diversion to draw out the killer in hopes of making him show himself. <br> The plan goes down. Who is that shadowy figure who runs down the dark alley? Is it really the salloon girl, or is she just trying to protect someone? The plot twists unravel, and the truth comes out. <br>