Great Gildersleeve – Gildy Traces Genealogy. ep203, 460324

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: audio is a bit static E, but otherwise okay.<br> When he receives an invitation to a costume ball, Gildy is not interested in attending. Marjorie, and Leroy think the ball is a good idea, because he is to dressed up as a historical character. Namely, as someone in the family tree.<br> Not fully convinced, gildersleeve seeks refuge with Layla Ransom and a cozy fire to snuggle up next to. He has a change of heart, once he realizes that she wants to attend the ball. What kind of costume does she plan to wear? For that matter what will the judge be wearing, as well as others in town?<br> Lost in imagination, Gildy enjoys his mental trip to an island paradise where Layla is a native girl. As he peruses information about his family tree he also discovers a financier in his family line. pevey, and Judge Hooker play parts and gildersleeve’s fantasy of being a millionaire. What would it look like to have Marjorie and Leroy fill a cultured bill in this role play? What role will Layla Ransom play, and what is your relationship to the judge in this scenario?<br> Although he discovers colorful characters in his past, Will Gildersleeve find anyone he can dress up as for the ball? As swashbuckling black jack Gildersleeve, he calls his prisoners into his captain’s quarters. How will his pirate fantasy play out for characters such as Layla, the judge, or birdie? How will his historical findings be affected by data thatMarjorie, and Leroy discovered from an elderly aunt? Just who is this butcher from Pennsylvania, named Gouldenslob?<br>