Aldrich Family – Everyone Sleeps Over (or, Moving Day). ep206, 431007

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: One thing about teenagers, is that they can have a lot of fun with things that parents consider a bore. For example, at Kathleen’s house it’s moving day, and Henry is on hand for some fun. With having all their affects packed up, Henry offers to invite the family to his house for dinner. Shouldn’t he at least ask his mother? After all what does she have to do with making dinner?<br> At home, we discovered that Mrs. Aldrich has been canning all day, and otherwise busy in the kitchen. But Mr. Alddrich may also have had plans to invite the business associate over. Can mother phone the Anderson home and set things right with Kathleens mom? Before along the Anderson’s are invited over for more than just a meal. Mixed signals, and crossed wires abound.<br> Ed Wilson is a business associate of Mr. Aldrich, and the one person who they wouldn’t have minded having over for dinner, or spending the night. Surprises compound wants the Anderson’s arrive as the weekend house guests. Will there be enough food for everyone? Let alone enough room for sleeping space. But wait, there’s more, Homer thinks he is invited as well and brings his mother along too.<br> As complicated as weekend sleeping arrangements are, they aren’t quite over yet. <br>