Phil Harris – Alice’s Birthday. ep95, 490320.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Many men are inclined to forget their wife’s birthday, but not Phil. He and Frankie are out shopping for something special for Alice. Phil suggests that Frankie get her a gift too, so he can make up for the frustration that he has caused over the weeks when he moved in with the family. <br> Phil gets a negligee for Alice, puts it on his tab, and when he has to run off for business he instructs Frankie to find something Alice might like and put it on his bill as well. I don’t know about that Phil, my Spidey senses are tingling. <br> Back in the Harris home Willie pops in to talk with Alice for a moment, then the girls ask Alice about the romance between her and Phil. Alice gives her philosophy on marriage, then she sings, I Got a Crush on You. <br> Phil comes home and Alice is expectant about her gift. For now all she gets is a kiss, but is hopeful that it isn’t yet another negligee. Frankie arrives with the gifts, but Phil is just as surprised as Alice is to see what he brought. Alice was hoping for something more original than the negligee. <br> The disappointed Alice claims to be 22, but the sneaky Phil manages to squeeze out the truth. Phil consults the girls to see if Alice mentioned any special gift ideas. Earlier when Willie stopped by the girls overheard part of the conversation about a mother in law cottage for Willie and Alice’s mom, and suggested that to Phil. Mistaking the gift idea further, Phil wants to get that smaller house as a gift for Alice. Phil sings, Old Time Religion. <br> Frankie takes Phil to see Mr Duffy, a real estate agent who turns out to be the uncle of Julius. Since Julius happens to be visiting his uncle, he sees it as fate that his uncle just happens to have a small house in the country. Frankie and Julius battle wits, and it costs Phil twice as much as it’s worth for the cottage. With Frankie acting as broker, he also under sells Phils house to the agent. <br> Alice is thrilled that Phil bought a mother in law cottage, until she learns that her house has been sold. Phil has his bubble burst when he realizes the truth behind Alice’s intentions for the cottage. Back to the realtor, where Remley stands to make more cash from his commission, acting as Phil’s broker. <br> Trivia alert: In the opening part of the show the announcer alludes to Phil shopping two days late for Alice birthday. Not true. This radio afterall, and Alice real birthday is still several weeks off. She also tries to claim to be 22 or 23, and after the math that Phil sneaks upon her, a closer age for her can be deduced. <br> The truth, according to Wikkipedia is that:<br> Alice Jeanne Leppert was born on May 5, 1915. <br> Which means that at the time of this air date, she was not quite 34. <br>