Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 The Whistler – Fog. ep19, 420920 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:32

On a night with thick fog, Captain Fowler, and Danny, make their way to collect on a debt. A trip in the fog, and a thump on the head gives Danny amnesia, and he escapes the captain, thinking he may be a robber. Has Faye seen her boyfriend Danny? She and the captain begin the search of familiar haunts. Danny finds his friends, amnesia gone, but his memory of where he has been is fuzzy. A police car arrives at the Anchor Pool Room, the original destination, and Duke is dead. Who do you suppose killed Duke Moran? Danny doubts himself. Has his gun been fired? Faye is sure that with no memory, all malice towards Duke would be gone as well. Captain Fowler thinks a deep seated memory may have driven Danny to do it. Back at their fishing boat, Danny begins to believe he did it. Is the sound of an approaching motorboat the cops? Joe, a fellow fisherman needs to talk in private to Danny. What does Joe know? What kind of blackmail does he have over Danny? The panicked Danny is ready to clear out and disappear. His guilt means he doesn’t want to marry Faye, and bring disgrace on her. Since, he has to burn his bridges, Danny approves of the captain pursuing Faye in marriage. Before he can leave, Faye arrives with news that clears Danny. What about his gun that was fired? What about Joe, claiming to have witnessed the shooting? Where will Danny’s trail of clues take him as the fog lifts at early dawn? He has been framed, but the Whistler still has some answers to offer in his twist ending. Note: Danny is Frank Nelson.

 Nick Carter – Unwilling Accomplice ep42, 440129 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:14

Though the opening and closing credits are cut, the story is complete. A high stakes robbery of gems means quite a haul was taken from the vault. The taunting letter left for the cops, and Nick Carter himself, is from the mastermind, and warns of a murder. The wealthy family is interviewed, but will any likely suspect be named? Even if they are, is there any solid evidence for Nick to follow through on their trail? Working with his team, Nick can pin down how the robbery happened. An abrupt disappearance makes it difficult to nail down the thief. From all appearances the trail is at an end, and no luck in solving the mystery. Nick has a hunch so strong, he has to play it for all it’s worth. Nick confronts Mr Pierce about his suspicions, but all he has to show for it is a thump on the head. How about an accomplice, and known thief? The man is no stool pigeon, and though he’s set loose, he goes out of his way to keep from making contact with his mastermind boss. How will Nick and his team bring down the elusive killer?

 Lum and Abner – Lum Will Have His Hair Bleached. 450205 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:31

After having his hair touched up last week, Lum is still hiding out. He complains to Abner About the lingering affects of the hair color and tonic that Mose Moots used. Lum’s latest trouble is that Miss Emiline has invited him to a dance. Why is that so bad? She hasn’t seen his new, black hair coloring yet. Will the school teacher have to bow out on the night on the town? Just because Lum is embarrassed o be seen in public? Why doesn’t he just reveal himself to her? Maybe she’ll like his look. Why can’t she still go? Why should Lum’s problem hold her back? These questions, and more are discussed as the gents work through Lum’s problems. Meanwhile, Lum is critical of how ladies spend time beautifying themselves, spending hours in the beauty salon. Could that be his solution though? Just a few moments getting his color fixed, and hiding out under one of those big hair dryers.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Fibber Is Stuck In New Paving. ep285, 410429 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:12

Fibber is acting suspicious, and Molly knows he’s up to something. What’s the simple chore he forgot to do? Fleeing from the wrath to come, Fibber finds himself stuck in paving that sets with him in it. His pal Gildersleeve isn’t much help. The Old Timer passes by to get is 2 cents worth of jokes at Fibber’s expense. Fibber’s panic grows, while Billy Mills plays a soothing tune to transition. The spectacle of the stuck Fibber draws crowds. He gets word from Molly and Gildersleeve that help is on the way from City Hall. Meanwhile, Abigail Uppinfton is on hand to show her indignation. Harlowe Wilcox arrives to twist the situation into a sponsor pitch. A paving expert is on the way, the inventor of the stuff. Bickering continues between Gildersleeve and Fibber, but soon all that’s left is Teeny. At least she has a way of cheering Fibber with a fairy story. The Kingsmen sing, Little Brown Jug. as it grows later, Fibber gets more worried. Molly and Gildersleeve manage to feed him a snack, but the pavement is hardening. Wallace Wimple arrives, and is the inventor of the pavement. Will he save the day with a word on how to rescue Fibber.

 Lum and Abner – Squire’s Insurance Has Many Loopholes. 450201 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Today, the gents discuss Squire Skimp’s new insurance agency. He started it with one of his shady friends from the past. How will insurance help mom with his previous troubles with the schoolteacher? Will the accident policy remove the embarrassment of Lum’s hair mishap in the barbershop? Squire arrives to review exactly what Abner purchased in his policy. The insurance seems to cover plenty of natural disasters, but not Abner’s bump on his head. As Squire searches for loopholes in the policy, it seems that he’s more concerned about loopholes for his own benefit. The solution, of course, is to have Abner purchase more insurance to cover such things as accidental tubs falling on his head. Once squire leaves, Lum points out that it still won’t help in the matter of where the tub already fell on his head.

 The Whistler – Mirage. ep18, 420913 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

Fred Adams is an attorney. Involved with the underworld, he is taken to the manager of a night club, Gloria. Has Fred turned against his benefactor, and manager of the cafe? She confronts him with news that he’s after the daughter of the district attorney, accusing him of using her to advance his career. Is he getting out of his element? Does he need to stay tied to Gloria, who put him through law school? On a fast train, on their honeymoon, Fred and Brenda try to forget their lives for the next two weeks. Gloria broods, and contemplates revenge. Her main hood, Joe tries to cheer up. Is his talk of loyalty intended to be more than that? Love maybe? Gloria seems oblivious to him, but sets revenge plans into motion. Gloria and Joe intercept Brenda on the road, and end the marriage as only a pair of thugs can. Joe is sickened by Gloria’s ruthlessness. Time passes, and Gloria wonders that no news reports of the missing Brenda have been reported. Surely the body has been found off the busy highway. The tension drives Joe to drink heavily. A headline finally appears. Wait, if Fred and his wife attend the races, who was it they killed? After days pass, and no further report, even Glory is cracking up. Taking her revenge madness in a new direction, Gloria threatens to silence Joe. A knock at her door finds a weary Fred talking to the frazzled Gloria. He is frustrated over the career path Brenda and her father want for him. Will Gloria forgive him, and take him back? Is he telling her everything? Though the papers have kept it quiet, Fred confirms the death of Brenda, worried he may be suspected. Under too much stress, Joe cracks to admit the details of the murder. Has he seen a ghost? The Whistler shares a twist to reveal how jealousy helped solve the mystery.

 Jimmy Durante – Ode to a Cow (AFRS). ep140, 460301 (retro681) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:00

Along with his young partner, Gary Moore,, Jimmy Durante thinks its a good idea to have a cow for their very own. It makes some sense for the days when the milkman made routine home deliveries. The cow will pay off in saving money in the face of shortages in dairy products. Problems show up when their neighbors don’t like the idea of the hulking farm animal around. Gary and Jimmy circulate a petition to see if there is anyone on their side, while they build their case for the law suit that is brought against them. Besides the non-stop cow jokes, the day in court arrives, and the jokes take on a legal flavor. How will it all end? Will Jimmy and Gary get to keep their cow? Note: Sprinkled into the show are musical interludes provided by the orchestra, and singer Dale Evans. At this time she wasn’t married to her cowboy husband, Roy Rogers, and was in hot pursuit of a career as a jazz singer. also, being from AFRS, commercials are snipped and extra orchestra arrangements are added to round out the time. PS: Some new Retrobots have somehow gotten into the studio to lend helpful hands to the presentation. Might this be the new direction for the podcast? Will Retrobots David and Callie’s jobs be on the line? I think its too soon to tell. but I have a feeling there could be some back and forth between the new ones. Jjust as soon as I can come up with a plausible back story for the new mechanical helpers, Alex and Fiona. Bonus Tracks * Keith introduces the episode, and reminds listeners about the differences between the Retro Vault, Diary, and the main Retro Radio Podcast. * Alex and Fiona seem to be overly helpful, and though they look like David and Callie, they could have a dark side all their own. * Bing Crosby and Al Jolson tease each other in a short clip about “Modest Al Jolson.” From a show that aired on 02/15/1950

 Great Gildersleeve – Leila Returns Home. ep177, 450923 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

Leroy and Marjorie discover their uncle is in high spirits, and dishing out favors to them. What’s behind his singing in the house? Water commissioner Gildersleeve heads to the barbershop where he is teased by Floyd and Judge Hooker. How about if all the Jolly Boys go to meet Layla Ransom at the train station? It could be a lot of laughs. As the boys are sent to the train station, Gildersleeve goes the the airport to meet Miss Ransom. She has to stand up Gildersleeve on his plans for a cozy lunch, But her counter offer of an evening together brightens his day. Later in Peavy’s drug store, she seeks advice on which perfume goodbye. Then in her house, we get a behind-the-scenes look as Layla gets ready for her big date. Gildersleeve learns about her summer that she would just as soon forget. Who exactly is Lightfoot Dupree? As Gildersleeve does his part to be a man around the house, a noise is heard outside. Don’t worry, it’s just the Jolly Boys welcoming her home. The evening may not have gone the way Gildy had planned, but the gang enjoy a few moments of barbershop quartet singing. A modified version of, I Dream of Jeannie. Only with the lyrics customized to Layla Ransom instead.

 Tom Mix – Vanishing Herd 2 (End). 440623 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:18

Recently, Tom managed to save the airbase from the attack by the Iron Mask. There’s still plenty of action of capturing the Iron Mask, and rescuing FBI agent, Mr Beggly. Join Tom as he flies in his fighter plane to zero in on his rival. The bullets fly, but whose plane goes down? It’s a matter of bravery and nerve as Tom confronts the Iron Mask face to face. Tom enjoys the sunset over the prairies with his cowboy friends after a mission completed. There’s no time for rest as Tom is faced with a new adventure. His friend, Windy, rides up on horseback, and he’s riding up fast, and carrying news. Who is the Green man, and what is it that has disappeared? Get ready for a new adventure to begin.

 Dick Tracy – Case Of The Pigeon Blood Ruby. 450622. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:58

In other episodes of this era, the pressure to buy war bonds appears even in kid shows. Today though we have a public service announcement that urges kids to help prevent forrest fires. Dick and Pat had escaped from captors and are now on a mountain trail. Though he suspects a trap, Dick still follows his man. Taking shelter in a mountain home, the valet serves up a hearty breakfast to Dick Tracey. Where can the criminals be? As Dick gets a tour of the house that’s carved out of a cave, eyes watch him. The sound of voices come echoing through the caverns. Will Dick be able to get his man, or will he have to face the local natives?

 Challenge Of The Yukon – Design For Murder, Killing Sullivan. 440622 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:27

The rough country of the Yukon holds more than snowy blizzards. Similar to the plains of the old West, bank robbers make easy prey of unsuspecting bank tellers. The bandit has other reasons besides the quick, easy money, he’s going to set the blame at the feet of a rival. With Sgt Preston of the mounties in pursuit, both men are on a collision course with death as they rush into the trap. Will the killer, and real bank robber get off the hook? There’s just one thing that nasty bandits rarely take into consideration, King the wonder dog. Get ready for tense moments as powers converge, and doom seems in store for Sgt Preston. How will King save the day, and ensure that justice is done? Listen and discover for yourself.

 Lum and Abner – Cedric Works On His English Composition. 450131 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Cedric once again has to write a report for school that needs Abner’s help. His topic today, is about groundhogs day. He shares exactly what he has written thus far. It seems to be the simplest one subject that Abner has ever heard. Reviewing the topic, Abner tries to get Cedric to write that the groundhog comes out to look for his shadow. For one thing, how does that little rascal know that it’s February 2? Does he also get his calendars from dick Huddleston? Abner knows good and well, there ain’t no groundhogs getting calendars from him. Abner figures the groundhog just makes it a habit to come out on that day. But Cedric is concerned that might change, like Thanksgiving has in recent years. Maybe they should just ask them little smart Alec varmints when they show up around the store. a phone call arrives from the school teacher, Ms. Platt. By now Abner’s worked up, and demands that she gives the scholars easier assignments. Note: Cédric is the only scholar in his class who has a social security number.

 Nick Carter – Records Of Death. ep41, 440122 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:22

Note: [also aired as episode 229]. A small trunk was bought at auction that contained a few articles of clothing, and a stack of recordings. Nick learns all he can about the box and where it cam. The records tell the story of a woman who is held captive. Tired and scared, her tale is one of being drugged, and held in an unknown location. Masking her secret recordings by pretending to be listening to the radio, she tries to give clues of her captors identity, as shre faces death for not signing papers. Nick and Patsy speculate over the records, and listen to the building drama as Nancy resists Ralph, and the others. In her brave resistance we learn that she and Ralph are half brother and sister. Will Raph’s plans go as far as to forge a will, and kill his step father? It may be too late for Nancy, but Nick is determined to find Ralph. The clues send Nick and Patsy to Toronto, and on a mission to find out about a missing man of a rich family. The police present the details as they know them, and a new twist enters the case. The story takes on flesh as a crippled house servant tells how he came to pack and send the box. There’s danger right to the end of the mystery.

 The Whistler – House of Greed. ep17, 420905 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

A taxi rolls through the night. John learns from his brother Frank that his wife, Mary is gone. Is she out of her mind for walking out on the marriage? John trails Mary from place to place, country to country. Giving up on the chase, he falls in love with Helga, who has a son, Paul.The bright lad tries, but finds the business dull and uninteresting. John thinks Paul is just lazy. A voice is heard at the library window. It’s Mary. What does the shabby woman want after all these years? Why should he help her daughter Joan? The 17 year old girl is his. News of Joan stirs up jealousy in Paul. Not concerned for the business, he is worried about his inheritance. Joan is welcomed by John, but she has doubts, and a chilling feeling there’s something wrong in the house. Paul’s creepy side emerges. Has he killed girls before? Helga drops a rumor to Joan that John’s warmth is a front, intended only to get revenge on Mary, through her. Frank returns years later, after his failed ranch business, and the brothers get caught up about Mary. Two figures slip into John’s room, then carry a gruesome bundle out of the house. A phone call interrupts Joan’s conversation with Helga and Paul. Who was the man, and what news does he have for her? A trap has been sprung for killers, but wait, the Whistler still has one more twist, and a tale of revenge. Note: Frank seems to be Frank Nelson.

 Dragnet – Big Hit and Run Killer. ep126, 511108 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:01

Traffic Investigation, Hit and Run Felony Detail. A hit and run driver escapes, after killing a woman, and seriously injuring her grandson. Now it’s up to Joe Friday to catch him. On a cold December evening, questioning witnesses about the fatality, Joe Friday, and partner Ben Romero learn the details about the panel van. How was the weather condition, was there any reason the driver may have not seen them? With all the Christmas, and holiday lights, the corner was very well lit. In voiceover, Joe Friday fills in details about the crime lab and other detectives and securing the scene. Joe and Ben discuss the clues that have been discovered so far. Broken glass at the scene, the late-model tan delivery truck, black lettering for the bakery company, but will it be enough? Things become more bleak, when a phone call announces the child in the hospital has just died. Joe continues to comment in voiceover about the tragedy of a hit and run crime. What makes a driver act that way? He continues describing how the investigation is progressing. A suspect, Arthur Singer, has been discovered, but he seems to know nothing about the incident. Will an alibi clear him, as well as the owner of the truck? Another driver for the bakery is found. Joe and Ben go to interview him at his part-time job the the coffee shop. He claims to have been at work at the time, but did someone come by to borrow his truck? Holes in his story cause Dan Miller to keep changing his account of the events, and Joe thinks he may have found his man. Is he just nervous? Is he trying to hide something? Is he trying to protect a friend? Conflicting stories mean the heat is turned up fast. The pressure is on. Does Dan really have a friend named Paul, or is this just another cover-up?


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