Nick Carter – Unwilling Accomplice ep42, 440129

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Though the opening and closing credits are cut, the story is complete. <br> A high stakes robbery of gems means quite a haul was taken from the vault. The taunting letter left for the cops, and Nick Carter himself, is from the mastermind, and warns of a murder. The wealthy family is interviewed, but will any likely suspect be named? Even if they are, is there any solid evidence for Nick to follow through on their trail? <br> Working with his team, Nick can pin down how the robbery happened. An abrupt disappearance makes it difficult to nail down the thief. From all appearances the trail is at an end, and no luck in solving the mystery. Nick has a hunch so strong, he has to play it for all it’s worth. <br> Nick confronts Mr Pierce about his suspicions, but all he has to show for it is a thump on the head. How about an accomplice, and known thief? The man is no stool pigeon, and though he’s set loose, he goes out of his way to keep from making contact with his mastermind boss. How will Nick and his team bring down the elusive killer? <br>