The Whistler – Fog. ep19, 420920

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: On a night with thick fog, Captain Fowler, and Danny, make their way to collect on a debt. A trip in the fog, and a thump on the head gives Danny amnesia, and he escapes the captain, thinking he may be a robber. Has Faye seen her boyfriend Danny? She and the captain begin the search of familiar haunts. Danny finds his friends, amnesia gone, but his memory of where he has been is fuzzy. <br> A police car arrives at the Anchor Pool Room, the original destination, and Duke is dead. Who do you suppose killed Duke Moran? Danny doubts himself. Has his gun been fired? Faye is sure that with no memory, all malice towards Duke would be gone as well. Captain Fowler thinks a deep seated memory may have driven Danny to do it. <br> Back at their fishing boat, Danny begins to believe he did it. Is the sound of an approaching motorboat the cops? Joe, a fellow fisherman needs to talk in private to Danny. What does Joe know? What kind of blackmail does he have over Danny? <br> The panicked Danny is ready to clear out and disappear. His guilt means he doesn’t want to marry Faye, and bring disgrace on her. Since, he has to burn his bridges, Danny approves of the captain pursuing Faye in marriage. <br> Before he can leave, Faye arrives with news that clears Danny. What about his gun that was fired? What about Joe, claiming to have witnessed the shooting? Where will Danny’s trail of clues take him as the fog lifts at early dawn? He has been framed, but the Whistler still has some answers to offer in his twist ending. <br> Note: Danny is Frank Nelson. <br>