Dragnet – Big Hit and Run Killer. ep126, 511108

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Traffic Investigation, Hit and Run Felony Detail. A hit and run driver escapes, after killing a woman, and seriously injuring her grandson. Now it’s up to Joe Friday to catch him. <br> On a cold December evening, questioning witnesses about the fatality, Joe Friday, and partner Ben Romero learn the details about the panel van. How was the weather condition, was there any reason the driver may have not seen them? With all the Christmas, and holiday lights, the corner was very well lit. In voiceover, Joe Friday fills in details about the crime lab and other detectives and securing the scene. <br> Joe and Ben discuss the clues that have been discovered so far. Broken glass at the scene, the late-model tan delivery truck, black lettering for the bakery company, but will it be enough? Things become more bleak, when a phone call announces the child in the hospital has just died. Joe continues to comment in voiceover about the tragedy of a hit and run crime. What makes a driver act that way? He continues describing how the investigation is progressing.<br> A suspect, Arthur Singer, has been discovered, but he seems to know nothing about the incident. Will an alibi clear him, as well as the owner of the truck? Another driver for the bakery is found. Joe and Ben go to interview him at his part-time job the the coffee shop. He claims to have been at work at the time, but did someone come by to borrow his truck?<br> Holes in his story cause Dan Miller to keep changing his account of the events, and Joe thinks he may have found his man. Is he just nervous? Is he trying to hide something? Is he trying to protect a friend? Conflicting stories mean the heat is turned up fast. The pressure is on. Does Dan really have a friend named Paul, or is this just another cover-up? <br>