Jimmy Durante – Ode to a Cow (AFRS). ep140, 460301 (retro681)

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Along with his young partner, Gary Moore,, Jimmy Durante thinks its a good idea to have a cow for their very own. It makes some sense for the days when the milkman made routine home deliveries. The cow will pay off in saving money in the face of shortages in dairy products. <br> Problems show up when their neighbors don’t like the idea of the hulking farm animal around. Gary and Jimmy circulate a petition to see if there is anyone on their side, while they build their case for the law suit that is brought against them. <br> Besides the non-stop cow jokes, the day in court arrives, and the jokes take on a legal flavor. How will it all end? Will Jimmy and Gary get to keep their cow? <br> Note: Sprinkled into the show are musical interludes provided by the orchestra, and singer Dale Evans. At this time she wasn’t married to her cowboy husband, Roy Rogers, and was in hot pursuit of a career as a jazz singer. also, being from AFRS, commercials are snipped and extra orchestra arrangements are added to round out the time. <br> PS: Some new Retrobots have somehow gotten into the studio to lend helpful hands to the presentation. Might this be the new direction for the podcast? Will Retrobots David and Callie’s jobs be on the line? I think its too soon to tell. but I have a feeling there could be some back and forth between the new ones. Jjust as soon as I can come up with a plausible back story for the new mechanical helpers, Alex and Fiona. <br> Bonus Tracks<br> <br> * Keith introduces the episode, and reminds listeners about the differences between the Retro Vault, Diary, and the main Retro Radio Podcast.<br> * Alex and Fiona seem to be overly helpful, and though they look like David and Callie, they could have a dark side all their own.<br> * Bing Crosby and Al Jolson tease each other in a short clip about “Modest Al Jolson.” From a show that aired on 02/15/1950<br> <br> <br>