Lum and Abner – Squire’s Insurance Has Many Loopholes. 450201

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Today, the gents discuss Squire Skimp’s new insurance agency. He started it with one of his shady friends from the past. How will insurance help mom with his previous troubles with the schoolteacher? Will the accident policy remove the embarrassment of Lum’s hair mishap in the barbershop?<br> Squire arrives to review exactly what Abner purchased in his policy. The insurance seems to cover plenty of natural disasters, but not Abner’s bump on his head. As Squire searches for loopholes in the policy, it seems that he’s more concerned about loopholes for his own benefit.<br> The solution, of course, is to have Abner purchase more insurance to cover such things as accidental tubs falling on his head. Once squire leaves, Lum points out that it still won’t help in the matter of where the tub already fell on his head.<br>