Lum and Abner – Cedric Works On His English Composition. 450131

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Cedric once again has to write a report for school that needs Abner’s help. His topic today, is about groundhogs day. He shares exactly what he has written thus far. It seems to be the simplest one subject that Abner has ever heard.<br> Reviewing the topic, Abner tries to get Cedric to write that the groundhog comes out to look for his shadow. For one thing, how does that little rascal know that it’s February 2? Does he also get his calendars from dick Huddleston? Abner knows good and well, there ain’t no groundhogs getting calendars from him.<br> Abner figures the groundhog just makes it a habit to come out on that day. But Cedric is concerned that might change, like Thanksgiving has in recent years. Maybe they should just ask them little smart Alec varmints when they show up around the store. a phone call arrives from the school teacher, Ms. Platt. By now Abner’s worked up, and demands that she gives the scholars easier assignments.<br> Note: Cédric is the only scholar in his class who has a social security number.<br>