Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Nick Carter – Corpse In The Cab. ep43, 440205 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:29

While out on the town with Patsy, Nick Carter encounters a cabbie with a corpse in his back seat, and in fear of being blamed. Riley agrees to turn his back on his natural cop duties to give Nick time to find the killer and clear Shorty. For that matter, who was the corpse, and what’s the white powder under his fingernails? Hitting the streets, Nick follows through with all the clues he can find on who might have it in for Shorty. Where are the hot spots to look? Who might offer insight to enemies for the man with a past prison record? A link to a school teacher is found, and confrontations are made. Has Nick found his man, and the link he needs to seal the deal? Is the mastermind crook too much of a match for our master detective? It’s going to take a lot to fool Nick Carter, and he manages to make the connections he needs to unravel this mystery.

 Lum and Abner – Search Party Formed. 450220 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Since their disappearance from Pine Ridge, Lum and Abner’s friends have begun to worry. Little has been done so far to find them, because they didn’t leave word word they might have went. Still trapped in the silver mine, the gents grieve over their poor decisions that led to their predicament. Abner figures that as hungry as he is, they must have been trapped now for three or four days. Their thirst is compounded because they’ve had to survive on sardines and crackers. lum tries to take their minds off their hunger, but soon goes hysterical. Can Abner calm him down? Back in town, Dick Huddleston takes over as the voice of reason as a sir party is formed. Clues begin showing up that give the friends an idea of Where to search. Will old blue be handy in helping the gang fine Lum and Abner?

 Vic and Sade – Vic The Irish Policeman. 460711 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:26

Sade, Rush and uncle Fletcher relax on a warm Summer day, in the living room as Fletcher shares crazy details about people he once knew. Strange advice, people who consistently lose elections, and more. Vic comes home early in a perky mood, and promises to kiss Sade. What’s the big news that Vic’s bursting to share? He tells why he has a policeman’s uniform with him, in his typical ridiculous fashion of course. He has also arranged for the living room to be used as police headquarters for the afternoon. A famous high class desperado is on the loose, and for an hour or so, the police will move their headquarters to Sade’s living room. Vic has even been deputized, and has the power to arrest people. The chief arrives as Vic gets into character as an Irish policeman. Uncle Fletcher continues to monopolize the conversation with more stories of people he knew. The chief shares how he might otherwise be taking it easy if it weren’t for the desperado on the loose. The phone rings, but Vic can’t decide whether to answer it with his Irish dialect or not. Mr Sprawl arrives, looking for his daughter Florence, but hides under the davenport in terror at the sight of the crowd in the house. The matter has Sade upset with Vic for his intrusions with the police. Fletcher is still bragging about all his friends from all over, the phone rings and Fletcher takes a call from Rishigan Fishigan from Sishigan Michigan. Though terrified, Sprawl returns with the desperado. He wants to turn himself in. Note: Wierd. Although full of running gags, this one is more like a sitcom than anything done thus far. I don’t think Paul Rimer was quite in his element in the 30 minute format. The gags are OK, but the story could have been developed a little better, or brought to the point and wrapped up more effectively. I could stand fort a lot less of Fletcher telling his goofy stories, more story development of the police and the bad guy on the prowl. I like the way the timid Mr Sprawl is the one who nabbed the bandit, but how, and why it happened could have received more attention. Not one of my favorite stories, but it has potential. \

 Dragnet – Big Bungalow. ep127, 511115 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:02

Burglary detail. An informant has information to share, even at the risk of his life. It’s up too Joe Friday to tell if his man is telling the truth. In the station cafeteria, Ben Romero and Joe Friday anticipate Red. Will his information be as big as he lets on? A new guy in town brags about how good his burglaries have been. As Red chows down, does he have answers like Alan’s location, or his operation, or other things the cops can use? In voice over, Joe tells about the role a stool pigeon serves. As of yet, no burglaries out of the usual variety have turned up. Nothing to indicate the kind of big time player that Alan is supposed to be. When a clue falls in Joe’s lap, it ignites a fire of investigation, as he springs into action to stake out a bar where Alan has been reported. The stakeout takes the cops to a nice sized bungalow. Will the back breaking work pay off in other ways? A rifle, jewelry, and more goods from recent robberies are turned up in the bungalow. Time to move in, and confront Jefferson Alan. The Michigan man is free with his answers about the seemingly routine questions. What might his connection to the bungalow be? The cool, soft-spoken criminal won’t crack. Despite overwhelming evidence. Or will he?

 Lum and Abner – Grandpap And Squire Are Worried. 450219 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

When exploring their land for a lost silver mine, Lum and Abner found himself ttrapped in a cave. While Lum kicks himself for being greedy and not thinking things through , abner can only think of food. Surely someone will find them, eventually, Lum hopes. Folks are bound to start worrying about them, right? The scene changes and we find grandpap talking with Squire Skimp about where Luma and Abner could be. At first they suppose they’re just out of town on business. A phone call from a worried Lizabeth begins to get them thinking there could be problems. Back in the mind, Abner has trouble keeping up his courage. Wait! Is that Abner’s dog, old blue? Does the dog know his way around the woods well enough to be sent for help?

 You Bet Your Life – Secret Word – Coat. 510321 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:10

A Doctor and housewife team up, and Groucho learns all about delicate hands, butchers, murder mystery writers, and embarrassments, State capitols is their game, but will they build their pile high enough to beat the others? A door to door bakeryman and housewife get grilled and we find out about Puns about buns, birthdays, whistling at women, popular baked goods, cakes. Child stars is the topic, how well do they do? An eight year old and a Doll maker join forces. Marriage, age. dolls. Dating etiquette, are just some of the things Groucho finds out about the contestants. Largest cities is the topic they try their hand on in building their money. Who will say the secret word? Who goes to the final round? Will the jackpot of $4500 roll over until next week?

 Bing Crosby (Philco Radio Time) Bob Hope. ep1, 461016 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:55

Ken Carpenter, John Scot Trotter, Stitch Henderson, Charioteers. * Sun in the Morning and the Moon At Night. * Moonlight Bay (Bing with Charioteers). * Turkey in the Straw (Stitch Henderson Piano instrumental). * Bob “Philco” Hope welcomes Bing to the air with a new show, new sponsor, and generally dishes out the insults to his pal. * Jokes about each others past times rule. Baseball teams, horses , and movies. * Their song, Put It There Pal, gets ad libbed lyrics to keep the theme going. * Love on a Grayhound Bus (Lena Romei). * Cynthia (Bing).

 Aldrich Family – Homer Is Popular. ep250, 440915 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:14

Or, Everyone Is Asking Homer for a Date Henry Aldrich is excited about a party invitation, but his friend Homer would rather avoid it. Is Homer a stick in the mud, or is it that Henry is a social climber? The two friends can’t agree, and end up being bored. Will a phone call from Homer’s dream girl, Marie, change his mind? At the breakfast table the next morning, everyone seems to have exciting news about the other evenings went. Mr. Aldrich has good news about his friend mr. Brown. Henry has some exciting news about a prank he pulled at the party involving Homer and Marie, now needs Mary’s help to bail him out. a hornets nest seems to have been stirred up at Homer’s house when suddenly he is popular with all the girls. Homer Sutton popularity has far-reaching consequences with his parents as well. The more Henry tries to undo his joke the more complicated things become. Worried about her son having a complex, Alice Aldrich convinces her husband to get Henry a new suit to help him improve his looks. But at what cost to his friendship? Or for his allowance for that matter.

 Whistler – Confession. 460708 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:58

Life had lost its meaning for Martin, and we find him trying to take out a high dollar life insurance policy. Why is each company turning him down? Why is Martin so nervous, and snippy with his wife, Clara? Their marriage relationship has become awkward, while trying to put on a pleasant front. Is there another woman, or something else that’s driving a wedge between them? Martin is approached by a stranger who knows all about his terminal illnes, and his trouble in getting life insurance. Money is offered, and all Martin has to do is confess to a murder. What does he have to lose? He only has 3 months to live anyway? With a lot on his mind to consider, Martin goes home to Clara. Will he come clean and tell her all? He can only hint at the crime that he’s about to confess to doing, and profess his undieing love. Will that be enough for her in understanding Martin’s decision? The deed is done, fingerprints and evidence is planted to link Martin to the crime scene. Clara discovers the whole truth, and in desperation, they decide to flee the scene. What do they have to lose? Why not have the two young lovers spend their last months together, rather than in the clutches of the legal system? A private detective brings unsettling news to Martin in his Cuban hide out. However, the Whistler still has a final twist to close the story. Will it condemn Martin, or free him? Note: Elliot Lewis is Martin. William Conrad is the private detective.

 Lum and Abner – Cave In. 450215 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:31

Still trying to figure out why the stranger, Mr Sutton, wants to buy their worthless piece of property, the gents head back for the hills to explore. Once again, they set out at night. Armed only with flashlights to visit the old mine shaft on their property. Even old Blue, Abner’s faithful hound dog seems to have left them. The shaft is found, and though Lum is all set, Abner tries to keep from having to go into the abandoned silver mine. An overwhelming urge to mail a letter to Little Pearl also turns into a pitch for folks to send mail to service men and women. Excuses keep coming, But Lum isn’t having any of it. Danger signs are ignored.. a claim of hunger reveals the meager food supply that Lum brought with him. Sardines and crackers. Where is old Blue? What wold happen if their flashlights gave out? What if Abner’s worst fears should kick in,. And the gents were stranded in the mine?

 Meet Miss Sherlock – Case Of The Deadman’s Chest. 460707 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:00

We witness the secret scene of a murder, but what does it have to do with Jane Sherlock, who was only a kid when it happened? Fast forward to the present day of 1946, and Jane telling her fiancee about her purchase at an auction. Suddenly there’s a flood of folks who want that locked chest she picked up. Why all the interest? The situation gets serious when someone tries to pry open the box to get to its contents. Bodies of the people who want the box pile up. The only clue is with a skeleton that’s found inside. There’s no identifying marks, no finger prints, no clothing, no dental work, and no false teeth. Only a broken leg that didn’t heal well. The search for answers leads back to the estate that held the auction. The racketeer who had died makes a return from the grave, and Miss Sherlock finds herself in danger in the cover up, and race to reclaim the trunk. Justice is served as the story twists are straightened out, and the mystery reveald as only Jane Sherlock can do it.

 Great Gildersleeve – Annual Dinner with Judge Hooker. ep205, 460407 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

Audio is a bit staticky,but good. Its almost time for dinner, but Gildersleeve is upset over the clutter on the table. A letter has been there, and nobody can tell him for how long. Its an invitation from Miss Goodwin, and he doesn’t have much time to RSVP to her. He lets Marjorie make plans for tomorrow night, and since its Birdie’s night off, what arrangements will need to be made for Leroy? there’s just one more job to do,, confronting judge Hooker, to get out of their annual dinner, the old friend is upset since he already bought all the food, and made plans. So, this paves the way to go to Eve Goodwin’s party, right? She already knew about the annual dinner, so didn’t expect Gildy would actually show up for her party. Consulting Peavy, Gildy is still looking for excuses to bail on the judge. Will the honest druggist be able or willing to disguise his voice to make the phone call with the fake emergency? Marjorie and Leroy reluctantly get ready for the dinner. Unappetizing food, boring after dinner entertainment, but they politely humor the judge. A surprise is presented, right from the judge’s personal strongbox. Will it make the evening worth the discomfort for the family? Peavy comes through with his phone calls, but he isn’t fooling the judge. Will Peavy get the hint that Gildy has changed his mind about the fake emergencies?

 Archie Andrews – Masked Marvel. 460706. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:32

Today Jughead and Archie are planning to go swimming. They are spotted by bully, Butch Mogonigal. Archie gets knocked down, but to defend himself in the future, he gets a book on boxing to learn self defense. Betty stops over to help Archie with his boxing, but he learns that he isn’t as invulnerable as he suspected. Meanwhile mom and pop Andrews discuss a dinner party that they invited Mrs Lodge over to. When the Lodge’s arrive with Veronica, she talks with Archie, who has taken more lessons from the book. He feels more confident and brags to her about it ability. Archie is so great, at least at bragging, that Veronica lures him into fighting that well known boxer that is coming to Riverdale, the Masked Marvel. Uh-oh. Should Archie try to get out of the fight, or go through with it and face certain death? As Archie and Jughead make up their mind, the unmasked Masked Marvel stops in for a chocolate soda. Archie treats the big Russian bruiser to some tasty American treats, and ends up getting the fighter sick of a belly ache. The fight promoter is in desperate need for a new fighter. Who can he get? To make his chances better at winning, he drags Jughead into being stand in for the Masked Marvel. At the fights, Jughead has good luck when the Masked Marvel returns, feeling better now. Which means, of course, that Archie is going to have some bad luck and is about to get clobbered. Archie is a little overconfident, but at least he has ignorance on his side. The announcer gives a good blow by blow report of Archie as he does his best to avoid being hurt. He survives the first round before learning Jughead is in the crowd. Can he survive just 2 more rounds? At home the radio is turned on long enough to hear that Archie is fighting, the Lodges are offended, and dad is off to have a word with his boy. Meanwhile, back in the boxing ring, Archie has discovered the Masked Marvels weakness, and exploits it to his best advantage. What is that weakness? What will dad have to say to Archie about his latest antics? It seems to make a difference in dad’s attitude when he learns that Archie won the match.

 The Avenger – Thoroughbred Murders. ep14, 450907 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:22

At the race track, Rosalyn, a female jockey causes a stir. The sport is dominated by men, so will one of her rivals try to put an end to her career? She has a top rated horse, and tries to reason with a track promoter named Burke. Will he turn her down over the prospect of winning big? When murder rears its ugly head in the horse stables, the Avenger gets involved. It becomes plain that William Burke’s accidental death is really murder. Suspects are gathered, and held while the investigation begins. Does anyone seem to be acting more guilty than another? Fern and Jim uncover a clue on the office desk, and a secret message to order the murder of Burke. But is there something else? Springing into action as the Avenger, Rosalyn is confronted. Could it really be her? The Avenger reveals the truth behind the murder, and how the near perfect crime was foiled. Did he miss any details? On a carriage ride, Jim explains how he figured it all out.

 Lum and Abner – Everyone Knows About The Beauty Shop. 450206 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Swallowing his pride, Lum has caved in and had the local beauty stylist fix his hair. Today as Abner tries to get work done, all Lum can do is stare at his reflection in the mirror. He has to admit the stylist did some nice work on his hair. After sitting in the salon for so long, Lum shares some of the things he learned to do, and make, from those lady’s magazines. Does hew plan on making something nice for Lizabeth? Abner could give it to her to wear for when she goes out to chop fire wood. A phone call rocks Lum’s world, when he discovers that Miss Emiline has changed her mind about going to the dance with him. Does she have another suitor? Does it have something to do with Lum’s recent hair mishaps? Cedric enters with more disturbing word for Lum.


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