Archie Andrews – Masked Marvel. 460706.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Today Jughead and Archie are planning to go swimming. They are spotted by bully, Butch Mogonigal. Archie gets knocked down, but to defend himself in the future, he gets a book on boxing to learn self defense. Betty stops over to help Archie with his boxing, but he learns that he isn’t as invulnerable as he suspected. <br> Meanwhile mom and pop Andrews discuss a dinner party that they invited Mrs Lodge over to. When the Lodge’s arrive with Veronica, she talks with Archie, who has taken more lessons from the book. He feels more confident and brags to her about it ability. Archie is so great, at least at bragging, that Veronica lures him into fighting that well known boxer that is coming to Riverdale, the Masked Marvel. Uh-oh. Should Archie try to get out of the fight, or go through with it and face certain death? <br> As Archie and Jughead make up their mind, the unmasked Masked Marvel stops in for a chocolate soda. Archie treats the big Russian bruiser to some tasty American treats, and ends up getting the fighter sick of a belly ache. The fight promoter is in desperate need for a new fighter. Who can he get? To make his chances better at winning, he drags Jughead into being stand in for the Masked Marvel. <br> At the fights, Jughead has good luck when the Masked Marvel returns, feeling better now. Which means, of course, that Archie is going to have some bad luck and is about to get clobbered. Archie is a little overconfident, but at least he has ignorance on his side. The announcer gives a good blow by blow report of Archie as he does his best to avoid being hurt. He survives the first round before learning Jughead is in the crowd. Can he survive just 2 more rounds? <br> At home the radio is turned on long enough to hear that Archie is fighting, the Lodges are offended, and dad is off to have a word with his boy. Meanwhile, back in the boxing ring, Archie has discovered the Masked Marvels weakness, and exploits it to his best advantage. What is that weakness? What will dad have to say to Archie about his latest antics? It seems to make a difference in dad’s attitude when he learns that Archie won the match. <br>