Great Gildersleeve – Annual Dinner with Judge Hooker. ep205, 460407

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Audio is a bit staticky,but good. <br> Its almost time for dinner, but Gildersleeve is upset over the clutter on the table. A letter has been there, and nobody can tell him for how long. Its an invitation from Miss Goodwin, and he doesn’t have much time to RSVP to her. He lets Marjorie make plans for tomorrow night, and since its Birdie’s night off, what arrangements will need to be made for Leroy? there’s just one more job to do,, confronting judge Hooker, to get out of their annual dinner, the old friend is upset since he already bought all the food, and made plans. So, this paves the way to go to Eve Goodwin’s party, right? She already knew about the annual dinner, so didn’t expect Gildy would actually show up for her party. <br> Consulting Peavy, Gildy is still looking for excuses to bail on the judge. Will the honest druggist be able or willing to disguise his voice to make the phone call with the fake emergency? Marjorie and Leroy reluctantly get ready for the dinner. Unappetizing food, boring after dinner entertainment, but they politely humor the judge. A surprise is presented, right from the judge’s personal strongbox. Will it make the evening worth the discomfort for the family? Peavy comes through with his phone calls, but he isn’t fooling the judge. Will Peavy get the hint that Gildy has changed his mind about the fake emergencies? <br>