Lum and Abner – Cave In. 450215

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Still trying to figure out why the stranger, Mr Sutton, wants to buy their worthless piece of property, the gents head back for the hills to explore. Once again, they set out at night. Armed only with flashlights to visit the old mine shaft on their property. Even old Blue, Abner’s faithful hound dog seems to have left them. <br> The shaft is found, and though Lum is all set, Abner tries to keep from having to go into the abandoned silver mine. An overwhelming urge to mail a letter to Little Pearl also turns into a pitch for folks to send mail to service men and women. Excuses keep coming, But Lum isn’t having any of it. <br> Danger signs are ignored.. a claim of hunger reveals the meager food supply that Lum brought with him. Sardines and crackers. Where is old Blue? What wold happen if their flashlights gave out? What if Abner’s worst fears should kick in,. And the gents were stranded in the mine? <br>