Whistler – Confession. 460708

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Life had lost its meaning for Martin, and we find him trying to take out a high dollar life insurance policy. Why is each company turning him down? Why is Martin so nervous, and snippy with his wife, Clara? Their marriage relationship has become awkward, while trying to put on a pleasant front. Is there another woman, or something else that’s driving a wedge between them? <br> Martin is approached by a stranger who knows all about his terminal illnes, and his trouble in getting life insurance. Money is offered, and all Martin has to do is confess to a murder. What does he have to lose? He only has 3 months to live anyway? <br> With a lot on his mind to consider, Martin goes home to Clara. Will he come clean and tell her all? He can only hint at the crime that he’s about to confess to doing, and profess his undieing love. Will that be enough for her in understanding Martin’s decision? <br> The deed is done, fingerprints and evidence is planted to link Martin to the crime scene. Clara discovers the whole truth, and in desperation, they decide to flee the scene. What do they have to lose? Why not have the two young lovers spend their last months together, rather than in the clutches of the legal system? A private detective brings unsettling news to Martin in his Cuban hide out. However, the Whistler still has a final twist to close the story. Will it condemn Martin, or free him? <br> Note: Elliot Lewis is Martin. William Conrad is the private detective. <br>