Lum and Abner – Search Party Formed. 450220

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Since their disappearance from Pine Ridge, Lum and Abner’s friends have begun to worry. Little has been done so far to find them, because they didn’t leave word word they might have went. Still trapped in the silver mine, the gents grieve over their poor decisions that led to their predicament. <br> Abner figures that as hungry as he is, they must have been trapped now for three or four days. Their thirst is compounded because they’ve had to survive on sardines and crackers. lum tries to take their minds off their hunger, but soon goes hysterical. Can Abner calm him down? <br> Back in town, Dick Huddleston takes over as the voice of reason as a sir party is formed. Clues begin showing up that give the friends an idea of Where to search. Will old blue be handy in helping the gang fine Lum and Abner?<br>