Vic and Sade – Vic The Irish Policeman. 460711

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Sade, Rush and uncle Fletcher relax on a warm Summer day, in the living room as Fletcher shares crazy details about people he once knew. Strange advice, people who consistently lose elections, and more. Vic comes home early in a perky mood, and promises to kiss Sade. What’s the big news that Vic’s bursting to share? He tells why he has a policeman’s uniform with him, in his typical ridiculous fashion of course. He has also arranged for the living room to be used as police headquarters for the afternoon. A famous high class desperado is on the loose, and for an hour or so, the police will move their headquarters to Sade’s living room. Vic has even been deputized, and has the power to arrest people. The chief arrives as Vic gets into character as an Irish policeman. <br> Uncle Fletcher continues to monopolize the conversation with more stories of people he knew. The chief shares how he might otherwise be taking it easy if it weren’t for the desperado on the loose. The phone rings, but Vic can’t decide whether to answer it with his Irish dialect or not. Mr Sprawl arrives, looking for his daughter Florence, but hides under the davenport in terror at the sight of the crowd in the house. The matter has Sade upset with Vic for his intrusions with the police. <br> Fletcher is still bragging about all his friends from all over, the phone rings and Fletcher takes a call from Rishigan Fishigan from Sishigan Michigan. Though terrified, Sprawl returns with the desperado. He wants to turn himself in. <br> Note: Wierd. Although full of running gags, this one is more like a sitcom than anything done thus far. I don’t think Paul Rimer was quite in his element in the 30 minute format. The gags are OK, but the story could have been developed a little better, or brought to the point and wrapped up more effectively. <br> I could stand fort a lot less of Fletcher telling his goofy stories, more story development of the police and the bad guy on the prowl. I like the way the timid Mr Sprawl is the one who nabbed the bandit, but how, and why it happened could have received more attention. <br> Not one of my favorite stories, but it has potential. \<br>