Molle Mystery Theater – Goodbye Darling. 460524

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A story that starts with the cold blooded planning of murder, and ends up as a battle of wits. <br> Lily and George are in a marriage filled with bills, no money, and stress. Does he know about her tryst? Does George suspect the plan that his wife is planning against him? Running an ad to take on a boarder is the opening to get the ball rolling. As her lover, Curtis, answers the ad and moves in the murder is planned, <br> with its intent to make it appear as an accident. Elaborate details are layed out, alibis are put into place, and the big moment approaches. The near miss only setws Curtis on looking for a different way to knock off George, but the wary husband might just be on to the new plans. <br> Accidents become the name of the game. The three go on an outing where the accidents don’t work out as planned, and soon George is planning his own accidents. Who will manage to hit a home un in this game of errors? And what will the police have to say in the matter when it happens&gt; <br>