Gunsmoke – The Liar from Blackhawk. ep162, 550521.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Chester heads into the Long Branch to share a beer with Miss Kitty. When a stranger puts the moves on her, Chester defends her against the self proclaimed gunfighter, Hank Shin. Matt breaks up the fight, but isn’t impressed with the new comers reputation. Matt has to take off for a week to handle business, but gives Chester a word on how to handle any potential trouble. <br> When Matt gets back, he learns how the reputation of Hank Shin has grown all around Dodge. Kitty shares her opinion of the swaggering Hank Shin. A man who is a bit off center. He’s living a lie, but what’s behind him? Later, Doc and matt catch up on the latest news from Abilene when shots ring out. As doc tends to the injured man, Chester fills in the details of the altercation. Shin is proud of announcing who he is, but claims that all he wants is to be left alone. <br> Just then another gunman rides into Dodge. Matt recognizes the man as an acquaintance from New Mexico territory. What does he want? Is there going to be something to worry about? <br> Shin comes to Matt to ask for help in shedding his reputation. As if his self made pomp counts for anything. At least he leaves his guns with Matt. When shots break the silence after hank leaves, Mat goes to find his nearly lifeless body in the street. Hank shares his secret with Matt about his past that shouldn’t be much of a surprise, as he breathes his last breaths. <br> The visiting gunman has shot him down in an attempt at increasing his resume as a gunman with a reputation, but the plan backfires on him as Matt arrests him for shooting an unarmed coward. <br>