Aldrich Family – Henry’s Missing Left Rubber. 420405

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Though Henry’s friend, Homer, wants him to come outside, his mother won’t let him until he finds a missing boot. Rubber overshoes used to be simply called rubbers, and Henry cannot remember where he missed placed his. Not only were they expensive, but with a war on, rubber shortages meant they had extra value.<br> Henry’s parents are insistent that he does not go out without his overshoes. Not even a set that doesn’t match. What will he tell his friends who are waiting for him outside? Will Henry ever remember the last place he saw his missing shoe?<br> It just would not look cool to his friends, if Henry should admit to them that he were being punished over the loss of his shoe. He convinces them that its patriotic to give up rubber shoes for the war effort. But is he telling the truth?<br><br> Before long a miniature rubber Drive is on through the neighborhood. But who is going to pay for all this rubber that’s being collected? Mr. Aldrich manages to find the missing rubber overshoe . Before long though the Aldrich family has more missing left rubbers than they ever hope to have found.<br>