Lum and Abner – The Shortage Of Nurses Overseas. 450123

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In the Jot Em Down store, Lum seems a little frustrated, as he talks on the telephone. Although he is upset over the article about him in the paper that Squire wrote, Abner seems very pleased. Abner thought that Lum was just being humble, and using reverse psychology. pretending to not want it, but really desiring the attention. <br> Tempers begin to rise, as Lum’s frustration comes to light. Who is the woman who comes into their store, and asks for postage stamps? She looks familiar to Lum. When they discover she’s a nurse trainee, Abner asks if she knows his daughter, little Pearl.<br> The real life Army nurse in training, shares about the need for more women to join. Abner’s sure that he has seen her as well, but just can’t place her face. Well I’ll be a polka dotted possum, she’s the girl on a recruitment poster that hangs right there in the store.<br>