Aldrich Family – Mary’s New Dress (Sergeant Birch). 431104

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: There seems to be trouble at the dinner table, when Mary is giving the cold shoulder to Henry over a matter of a dress. Is the story about Sgt. Birch just something to sooth Mary’s anger? Or is there some truth behind him? ? Determined to make Mary believe them, both Mr. Aldrich, and Henry set out to conspire about the mysterious Sgt. Birch.<br> The mysterious sergeant calls Mary, but no one expects her to invite him over for dinner. The lonesome, and lovelorn Mary is thrilled to have a gentleman caller. But the rest of the family isn’t sure about having her me a stranger. Soon everyone goes into high gear to find a suitable sergeant for marry to meet,, and have over to their house.<br> Favors are called in to friends, the searches on, and soon not only one, not only to, but no less than three sergeants are found for Mary. How did this happen? Where did they all come from? The abundance of sergeants may be confusing, but in the and I think that Mary wins.<br>