Great Gildersleeve – Going to Grass Lake. ep174, 450902

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Marjorie and Leroy butter up their uncle. Will the effort convince him to take the family to Grass Lake for their vacation? What does Gildy have against the resort? Birdie puts in her 2 cents worth regarding Gildy’s relaxing at home. Her subtle attempt to change his mind falls short. <br> When Peavey visits’ he offers his advice, as he shares his own troubles with his wife. Craig Bullard arrives to not only annoy Gildersleeve, butt to cause trouble with the unflappable Mr. Peavy. After dreams trouble his sleep, Gildersleeve is visited by Judge Hooker. Just what ever happened to Craig Bullard and his game of hide but not seek with Leroy? Has the family finally gained up on the great man to cause him to cave in?<br> The four hour Drive to Grass Lake ends up taking 8 hours, with the holiday traffic. Arriving after dark, what else could go wrong for Gildersleeve’? How about being lodged in the Honeymoon cottage with Judge Hooker. a restless night does not help Gildersleeve’s nerves. There’s not much left of the weekend, other than the traffic jam filled ride home roundss out the weekend. The only one who seemed to have fun is Leroy.<br>