Lone Ranger – Heros Grave. 450530.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The stage coach races into the small Western town with it’s three passengers. It’s not the first trip for two of the occupants, but it’s Dan Reed’s first ride in a stage coach. They talk about the courageous soldier who was killed, and is the father and husband of the young lady and child in the stage coach. <br> The group is met by a loud mouthed teenager who makes claims that the dead soldier might not be as honorable as esteemed by the kid on the stage coach. Can it be true? Is it just the tauntings of a kid with a malicious spirit? <br> In the Lone Ranger’s camp, Dan tells all about the incident. Lone Ranger knows the truth, and tells Dan about it. As the telling fades into flashback mode, we learn about the fallen Army officer , and the actions that preceeded his death. <br> The Lone Ranger narrates as the players relive the past drama. Details emerge that make it seem that the murdered man, Benson, may have a drug problem. When Benson is shot, the Lieutenant’s name is shouted, and the aide claims that Lt Carsley escaped through the window. There are facts that don’t line up in the Lone Ranger’s mind, but the evidence stacks up against the Lieutenant. He was condemned to face a firing squad, but was spared that dishonor only when he was killed in action against an indian raid. <br> After the mid show commercial break, as our trio of heros ride to se the modern day Captain, now a Colonel, the story continues. They run a recreation of the crime scene and events. What do they hope to prove? Will the Colonel be on their side? <br> Lone Ranger has it figured out, and the enactment reveals the truth. It’s a suicide, and a set up. But why? Don’t worry, all the details are revealed. How can the facts be used to make things right? If anybody can do it, the Lone Ranger can, and in great dramatic and emotional style. Though mom and Jimmy have always had confidence, they are specially honored to have their fallen soldier cleared and honored by all. <br>