Molle Mystery Theater – Witness For The Prosecution. 460531

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Audio is poor and staticky. Police descend on a crime scene after a murder, and a woman claiming to be a friend of the dead woman points them to a jilted lover. There’s a matter of an inheritance, a devoted wife who actually hates her husband. What disfunctional marital drama will be dredged up? The investigators seem to blunder through the evidence, preffering to believe in conventional virtues, and ignoring the unvarnished emotions of the players in the story. <br> Courtroom drama unfolds, but at least it picks away at the circumstantial evidence. Will the prosecution manage to get through the emotional testimony, and lies? Who can be believed, and what hard evidence might prove who committed the murder? <br> Is this the kind of story where the criminal pours forth a dramatic admission of their crimes in a heated moment in court? Will the innocent man on trial be set free? With the embarrassment at going to trial, will it matter? <br>