Lum and Abner – Abner’s Plan Not Working For Ira. 450111

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: For the first time in years, Ira Hodgkins livery stable could be showing some profit. Today, Squire Skimp is on hand to hear all about how Abner’s advice help turn things around. Squire is even more surprised, when he hears how even Abner’s poppa was involved in Ira’s new profit-making venture.<br> A phone call may bring word about Lum’s progress at the state singing competition, but an unhappy Ira arrives to complain about his dishpan hands. The women folk of the Hodgkin’s home aren’t willing to leave their profitable business venture, and Ira is doomed to the washing from now on. Abner got him into this mess, now can he get Ira out of it?<br> To get a toehold back in his stable, Abner suggests Ira be taken on as employee of the ladies. Will the proud man go for being his wife’s employee? Will Abner’s inquiry mislead the ladies into thinking Doc Peabody is looking for work <br>