Burns and Allen – guest Ben Gage. 460530

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Gracie shows off her expertise on sports, as she and George discuss the upcoming fight between Joe Louis and Bob Kahn. It’s part of her new venture as being a gossip columhnist. The two plan a trip to New York to see the fight in person, but who can they get to replace them for the Summer? Bill Goodwin makes an appearance with his suggestion. <br> The Happy Postman delivers a letter, and his idea on the topic of a Summer replacement, plus the latest in the marital bickering at home. His letter is an award for musical performance on the show, and George begins a singing tirade. Gracie has to put a damper on the fun from Sugarthroat Burns, when she reads the award was for band leader, Meredeth Willson. Can Meredeth handle a show all on his own? <br> Ben Gage makes an appearance, besides being the male vocalist, in addition to the King Sisters, for the Summer musical replacement show, he apparently gives Bill a run for the money in the good looks, and sponsor message delivery departments. Ben keeps getting Bills name wrong, and insults fly. In the end, George and Gracie say their goodbyes for the season, and head out on their trip. <br>