Lum and Abner – Abner Asks About The Contest. 450116

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Cedric is in the Jot Em Down store to ask Abner all about Lum’s success in the singing competition. The trouble is, Abner never did find out exactly how it went. What does Cedric know2 about the courtship between Lum and his school teacher? He’s out of class today, due to something special in the works. <br> When Lum arrives with a song on his lips, it could be a good sign. Will some of that good luck rub off on Cedric? The overgrown lad leaves, but will Abner have his curiosities satisfied? Lum seems awfully modest for returning with a first place ribbon. <br> Wasn’t he nervous? Did his voice waiver and quiver? What was his comppetition like? He won’t mind showing off his talents will he? Sister Simpson phones in to announce some plans she has for Lum. <br>