Mark Levin Podcast show

Mark Levin Podcast

Summary: Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, "Unfreedom of the Press," is out now. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.

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 5/16/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

There is a concerted effort by the media and the Democrat Party to take out President Donald Trump. The latest in the New York Times is that a memo written by James Comey in February claims that Trump asked him to end the investigation into Mike Flynn. This is a self-serving contemporaneous memo. According to the memo, the President told Comey that he hoped Comey could let this go. Comey is a leaker and person who destroyed the FBI. He doesn’t like the way he was fired and the fact he was fired, so is striking back. If this is obstruction, why would Comey wait 2 and a half months later to show this memo? Only after Trump fired him does this become a major issue. Comey is really a modern day J. Edgar Hoover. This is just another phony scandal with the disgusting and deceitful left wing media. Congress should ask Comey where his memos are and how many he has and should be directed to preserve those memos. In addition, we have Democrat media outlets like the New York Times receiving classified information via leaks. The leakers are committing felonies. The irony is that the leakers are undermining the President and Israel yet nothing is done about them. What is being done to Trump in this presidency is unprecedented and worse than what they did to Ronald Reagan. Later, Trump said repeatedly that he would move the embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, now he won’t even recognize that the Western Wall belongs to Israel. Why is it that we recognize 219 countries and yet with our closest ally we refuse to put our embassy in their capital? We have to get permission from Hamas, Mahmoud Abbas and others to acknowledge our closest ally who shares intelligence with us.

 5/15/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6893

President Donald Trump campaigned vigorously and unequivocally on moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Trump appears to be in the midst of betraying that promise. Why would the President say he would move the embassy to Jerusalem if he didn’t mean it? So quickly and easily has Trump gone into the lap of the bureaucrats and the DC swamp. The President wants a peace negotiation between Israel and Palestine. A two state solution for Israel is a final solution for Israel. The Palestinians claim the entirety of Jerusalem and even Jewish sites that are over 3,000 years old. In addition, So far Rex Tillerson in his own way has said that we are going to listen to all interested parties. Tillerson, like H.R. McMaster has given the Palestinians their own country. It is shocking how the President has seemed to reverse course. Tillerson sounds like he is Secretary of State under Barack Obama. The Ottomans divided up the territory. Before that the land had been owned or passed on by word of mouth. The Palestinians never had a legitimate claim to Judea or Samaria. The idea that the Israelis can't have foreign embassies put in their own capital, is allowing radical Islamic terror groups like Hezbollah and Hamas to have a veto. The indigenous peoples in this area were the Jews. After that, the Democrat party is out to destroy everything and anything in its path and works very closely with the praetorian guard media, especially CNN. They drag out these Ivy League professors to tell us that Trump has committed impeachable offenses yet can't even name the crime of offense. Then we have Chuck Schumer out there who wants the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General to resign. Meanwhile where is the Republican leadership, Mitch McConnell, John Thune and John Cornyn? They are not only not charismatic but are pathetic and fail to articulate conservative principles. Finally, the Washington Post, through anonymous sources, has reported that Trump has revealed classified information to the Russian Ambassador and Foreign Minister. Why should we believe the Washington Post which prints propaganda? Tillerson, Dina Powell, and H.R. McMaster were all in the room with Trump during the meeting and all say that no classified information was revealed. This is absurd and will be the next drumbeat. According to McMaster, at a press briefing on Monday, it didn’t happen. McMaster could not have been clearer. The media has been trying to take out the President from day one. Their go to people are the Democrats on Capitol Hill. Which Democrats and which members of the Intelligence Committee were briefed?

 5/12/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6953

Most Americans, according to Facebook interactions, cared less about President Trump firing James Comey than other events in the Trump Administration. Americans cared more about the inauguration, the healthcare replacement attempt, and Mike Flynn. Also, was the firing of Comey unconstitutional? No, the President has plenary power to appoint and fire people in his administration. Comey was not fit to remain FBI Director, his judgment was a disaster. Also, you don’t seize the power from the Attorney General and do what Comey did. He laid out the case for the indictment for Hillary Clinton and then pulled the plug. There was no grand jury and 11th hour subpoenas were used just to make it look like they were doing something. Despite what the Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe had to say, many FBI agents were furious with what Comey did. All of a sudden both Comey and McCabe are angels. What we have here is that the left has conquered the media. They are fully out of the closet. They bring the biggest malcontents from the Democrat Party and pretend they are newsmakers. Later, some are calling Trump’s firing of Comey a constitutional crisis, or even comparing it to the assassination of JFK. What they say doesn’t matter, there is obviously nothing here. After that, Missouri has passed a Convention of States Resolution making it state number 12 to do so. People love their country and the Constitution and want to save them. Later, the left is starting to push another movement related to the use of the 25th Amendment. The left is now hoping, pushing and strategizing to make Trump look like an absolute insane buffoon and dangerous. There will be arguments about the Vice President and majority of the cabinet acting to remove him from the presidency, and then Congress making the decision. A small cabal of politicians with a very radical and anti-American base are doing everything they can to overthrow this administration.

 5/11/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Most of the views the Trump administration have taken were supported by the Acting FBI Director, Andrew McCabe’s testimony. McCabe made the point that the investigation into Russian collusion goes on, even without James Comey. According to McCabe there has been no effort to impede it. Comey’s firing had nothing to do with taking resources away from the Russia investigation. Also, the only people who mention Russia are the Democrats. Russia was never mentioned by the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General or President Trump in their correspondence. Can Chuck Schumer give us one name of one Russian, Trump colluded with? No and the Democrats can't give us a single federal criminal statute violated by Trump. What’s even more disgusting than the Democrats are the Republicans, who don't stand up and fight and they join in against Trump. These hearings don’t appear to be helping the Democrats very much. After that, Comey’s call not to prosecute Hillary Clinton frustrated many FBI agents. Some of those were very vocal about these concerns. Who were they and why don’t we hear anything from them?

 5/10/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Anyone attempting to compare James Comey’s firing to Nixon’s Saturday night massacre is a legal and historical illiterate. One key difference is in the context of the two narratives. Trump wasn’t, like Nixon, attempting to stop a special prosecutor from doing his job. Rather, he was following the advice of the memo drafted by deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein, a career prosecutor confirmed by an overwhelming bipartisan majority in the Senate. Who do you trust? This deputy attorney general, who has spent a lifetime in the law, or Chuck Schumer, a partisan political hack, who has spent a lifetime as a demagogue? Also, Democrats want a special prosecutor to look into the reasons for Trump firing Comey. If we are going to appoint a special prosecutor, appoint one to prosecute Hillary Clinton and her mishandling of classified information. After that, did Trump issue an order saying no more investigation of Russia collusion? No. Can Schumer name one Russian who colluded with Trump to help him win election? He can’t because there wasn’t one. James Clapper has said there is no evidence of collusion. However, there is lots of evidence that the Obama Administration surveilled the Trump campaign. Finally, David Garrow calls in to discuss his new book, “Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama”. The book explains that before Michelle, Barack asked another woman to marry him, but politics got in the way.

 5/9/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

James Comey has been informed by President Trump that he has been terminated. Trump acted on the recommendation of AG Jeff Sessions and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein has been determined that Comey cannot not effectively lead the bureau and there is now a search for new leadership. This is obviously about Comey's decision in July of 2016 to release information and lay out the case for not indicting Hillary Clinton. Notice that Barack Obama didn’t fire him. Comey was a loose cannon and drama king. Also, the Democrats, in chorus, are now claiming that Comey's firing compels the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate Russia, among other things. Totally predictable. The Democrats and the media will try to turn this into a Watergate-like scandal despite the complete lack of any parallels. They are all excited with their talking points of Russia, the Saturday Night Massacre all over again, and Watergate. And the media are very upset that it was not leaked in advanced to them. The truth is, Comey should have been fired and Hillary Clinton should have been indicted. She endangered our national security through her careless handling of emails. She set up a private server in her home to get around the official system and violated the federal statute and tried to cover it up. Trump needs to go on offense and call out Chuck Schumer and the Democrats for the politicization of this.

 5/8/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6893

The General Michael Flynn hearing is exactly how you destroy an American citizen. Former Acting AG Sally Yates is suggesting Flynn has done something wrong, but no one will say what it is he’s done and Flynn wasn’t even there to defend himself. Don’t you think that because somebody leaked the identity of Flynn that they would have leaked what he said. Yates said she was concerned about Flynn because she and the DOJ knew he wasn’t being forthright with Vice President Pence and knew Flynn could be blackmailed by the Russians. So the DOJ was in fact informed about the unmasking of Flynn. We can’t have the government leaking this stuff. Yates says she can't reveal in an open setting about the unmasking of Flynn. This suggests that she had other discussions over what and who was in that report. In addition, when you consider that the Democrats have worked with Russians over the decades this Flynn stuff looks like small potatoes. Ted Kennedy actually did commit treason and corresponded with Soviet agents. Did Flynn deal with Soviet agents? No. There is no evidence of collusion between Mike Flynn and Russia or Trump and Russia. Also, Sen John Kennedy grilled Yates, who was fired by President Trump after refusing to enforce his executive order on immigration. Yates’ job was to presume that President Trump’s executive order was constitutional, as the office of legal counsel concluded, and enforce the order on behalf of the government and the people of the United States. The Constitution supported President Trump’s executive order and Yates and the Democrats didn’t care. Finally, Landmark Legal filed a request with the FISA court for an investigation into leaks against President Trump involving Russia. This request was denied. This could mean that there is no effective FISA warrant in place or the FISA he judge has already ordered an investigation.

 5/5/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

Does the Republican healthcare plan repeal Obamacare or any significant part of it? Some say it repeals taxes, but so does actually addressing tax policies. Republicans needed a win and that seemed to be their only goal. The American Healthcare Act is still government healthcare with subsidies. The Republican Party now supports federal government run healthcare. Republicans are for serving Socialism through debt whereas Democrats do it by raising taxes. The utopian goal of a single payer system by the Democrats is what is creating this problem in the first place. How do you make healthcare more affordable? You drive down costs through innovation and competition. That is what we used to do. Later, Donald Berwick (former Obama Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) let the cat out of the bag in 2008 when he said any civilized healthcare must redistribute wealth. And who will decide what polices you can have or what care you can get? The government. Also, Obamacare for the left is not about healthcare or preexisting conditions, but is about a constant push to a centralized state. We can never go back to healthcare system largely uncontrolled by the federal government. The statists won’t give up the reins of power because they are the evil masterminds. They wrap it all in the notion of compassion and standing up for the little guy. Whatever the issue is, the agenda is to drive us away from individual liberty and constitutionalism. The principles of our Founders and those written in the Declaration of Independence are largely rejected.

 5/4/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The biggest news on Thursday is that the Texas statehouse just passed an Article V, Convention of States Resolution and they are the 11th state to do so. As we get closer to 20 states this will be the biggest issue to restore the Constitution. The left is getting ramped up and ready for attacks and so are some conservative media. After that, you have Democrats are going on and on about deaths that are going to happen because of the Republican healthcare bill passed in the House. Then you have Republicans claiming that they are on their way to completely repealing Obamacare. Both parties are lying. The American Healthcare Act (AHCA) is about 90% Obamacare and does not repeal Obamacare’s cost driving mandates. It actually increases federal tax subsidies for preexisting conditions, which will become a slush fund. The AHCA is not a private competitive system and does not repeal or significantly change the structure of Obamacare. Later, there is no escaping tragedy, the question is how to deal with it. The leftists take these horrific situations and nationalize them as if the government will fix them. Someone should remind Jimmy Kimmel that the vast majority of doctors and nurses do not work for the federal government. They along with hospitals, lifesaving drugs, health technologies and the vast majority of health care are provided by the private sector. Finally, President Trump tweeted out that Susan Rice refusing to testify is not good and he is exactly right. Democrats are saying they are only interested in Trump and Russia. They do not want to look into the use of Obama’s domestic surveillance.

 5/3/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

In order to accomplish anything meaningful going forward, the Republicans and its members must adopt a more radical, but realistic, approach to address the progressive status quo in American politics and culture. Too many conservatives have simply accepted as effective power the minor concession of the progressives as they drive the political and cultural agenda. The reason for all this capitulation on almost everything in the GOP platform? Consent by silence on behalf of conservatives and Republicans. We live within the construct of the progressive movement, not within the constitutional structure that was established at the founding. Rather than confront the Left at the base of their arguments, Republican officials by and large live in fear of principles they proclaim at election time but reject at governing time. As a result, they’ve become accomplices to the will of their supposed adversaries who rotely repeat the propaganda of the Democrat party and the progressive movement. After that, James Comey said he had to do what he did with Hillary Clinton or risk the credibility of the justice system. But the problem is that Comey is wrong and it is self-serving. He changed the statute of gross negligence by his own intentional misinterpretation of it. Hillary purposely evaded security measures at the State Department and what she did with setting up a private server was unconscionable. What Comey should have done was propose that Hillary be indicted. In addition, Susan Rice decided not to testify before a Senate subcommittee on the alleged Russian hacking. She refused to testify because the senior Democrat on the subcommittee, Sheldon Whitehouse, was not involved in the invitation. Rice considers Lindsey Graham's invite a diversionary tactic. Why is Rice clamming up and why is Sheldon Whitehouse covering for her? To add, Jimmy Kimmel shared a very moving story about his baby’s heart surgery to show that everybody should have access to doctors and hospitals. Would his son have survived, had he been treated under the UK healthcare system which is what the left wants here? Does Kimmel truly understand what he is advocating for? Finally, President Obama in 2016, massively expanded efforts to search NSA intercepts for information on Americans. Government officials in 2016 carried out over 30,000 searches for information about Americans. Who is going to look in into this?

 5/2/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The Republican Party is not a party of small government, of liberty, private property rights, or of Capitalism. Do you know why the Republicans won’t repeal Obamacare and won’t slash government spending? Because they support it. They want Obamacare, even though it’s unsustainable and open borders. We have deceitful, dishonest men and women who get your votes and don’t follow through on any of their promises like Fred Upton and Mitch McConnell. Now that Republicans are in power Upton has decided he can’t even support a partial repeal of Obamacare. Yet when Barack Obama was President, Upton supported repeal knowing full well Obama would veto any such attempt. Also, where is Mitch McConnell? He ran on fighting Obamacare, but has done nothing to get rid of it. Republicans used to fight for these issues and make their case to the American people. That is the difference between the era of Ronald Reagan and President Trump. After the election cycle the Republicans all sound like progressives. 100 years ago the Republican Party was a progressive party and that is what it is today. These progressives focused on fundamental transformation and that’s what happened to America. The only issue is, where are they taking us? After that, Daniel Horowitz of Conservative Review calls in talk about the recently passed budget and Mick Mulvaney’s claims that it was a Republican win. Also, Paul Ryan says Planned Parenthood is not funded. Why isn’t Planned Parenthood jumping up and down today over the fact they lost funding? This is spin. Finally, Sen. Mike Lee calls in to discuss his view on the budget and what’s happening with Jim DeMint at Heritage.

 5/1/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Fox News does not respect its audience but instead respects the Hollywood Reporter, Variety and New York Magazine. They just took out Bill Shine, co-president at Fox who had helped build Rupert Murdoch’s billion dollar empire for 20 years. There has been no evidence put forth that Shine is anything but a decent individual. Shine helped put conservatives on that network and defended them against the left. Lachlan and James Murdoch are now in control and you are going to see a watering down of the Fox News content. Meanwhile, the Heritage Foundation is imploding too with the rumor that President Jim DeMint is being ousted. After that, President Trump said “had Andrew Jackson been a little bit later, you wouldn't have had the Civil War.” This is not true as the Civil War was virtually unavoidable. There was a coalescing of issues and events that propelled it, including the Fugitive Slave Act, The Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Missouri Compromise. The Dred Scott Decision really set the fuse. This is an effort by the Neoconfederates to dress up Jackson to trash Abraham Lincoln. This is why the President needs a real conservative in the White House who could talk about history and economics. Later, when it comes to the Republican budget, Planned Parenthood is still funded, Dodd-Frank remains untouched, 99% of the EPA is funded, and not a penny has gone towards funding the wall. Nothing significant was done to reduce the national debt. This system if it continues will collapse one day. Finally, Paul Kengor calls in to talk about his new book, “A Pope and a President”. He reveals the Soviet Union’s role in ordering and organizing the failed shooting of Pope John Paul II.

 4/28/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Kim Jong-un test fired another ballistic missile and there now needs to be a strong and direct U.S. response against North Korea. Kim Jong-un needs to be taken out. He is hell-bent on developing long-range ICBMs to reach the United States. We are not going to take him out for the purpose of conquering North Korea but for the purpose of American national security. We should tell the Chinese we are taking out Kim and we would like your support and we’d give them something in exchange. Also, North Korea’s army of 1.2 million men are a significant threat to its southern neighbor, South Korea. A strike against Seoul would be devastating. After that, are Rupert Murdoch's sons leaking to the media to destroy their father's Fox News network? Lachlan Murdoch is a big time Hollywood liberal and is more liberal than his brother James. Lachlan lives in the Hollywood area, within the Hollywood social circles and these leaks seem targeted at a corporate coup within the family. Later, the National Guard needs to be federalized next time violent leftists show up at Berkeley. Conservatives don't use violence to protest; the Reagan revolution and Tea Party never did. Finally, what is it about Obamacare that Republicans like and don't like? They should stop attacking Obamacare because they embrace large parts of it. You see how quickly Republicans fold and how quickly they go in with the left. The Republican Party is a party with no ideology, but in the end it supports big bloated government.

 4/27/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

There is an all-out war being waged against conservatives by the left with Stalinist tactics. Now Bill Shine, co-President at Fox News, is under attack. If you’re a conservative they are out to destroy you and in some cases violently harm you. How come we don’t know any backgrounds of any host or executives on MSNBC, and CNN? After that, Salon ran a story that claimed Mark compared Ivanka Trump to Hillary Clinton. This is absolutely false as Mark never has or never would do such a thing. Salon needs to retract that statement. Also, Jim Himes and Adam Schiff are the only 2 Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee to look at the documents reviewed by Devin Nunes. Apparently they are also, CNN’s only two sources with regards to these documents related to Susan Rice. CNN has so destroyed journalism there is no comeback for them. After that, what is liberty? It seems like a simple concept, but it’s not. Doesn’t liberty pre date America? Where did the idea of liberty first arise? Do you need to have order to have liberty? Callers weigh in and give their own definition. Finally, a former Obama official said that bureaucrats manipulated climate stats to influence policy. We were lied too in order to advance an ideology. This is an attack on capitalism and is just the latest effort by left to nationalize economic decision making.

 4/26/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6893

While Trump’s agenda in his first 100 days has suffered largely at the hands of incompetent GOP leadership in Congress, the permanent, leftist government is doing just fine thanks to bureaucrats and left-wing judges. Judge William Orrick, a district judge and former Barack Obama cash bundler in San Francisco, blocked Trump’s executive order defunding sanctuary cities. This judge was a politically-motivated actor who bought his seat. This is what happens when our federal government becomes so unmoored from our Constitution. It’s very dangerous when judges take it upon themselves to tell the nation what is and isn’t right. One clear remedy to this situation and others like it would be a wholesale reform of the judicial system under Article III of the Constitution, but Congress is not going to take power away from the courts. Also, Mark Meadows, head of the Freedom Caucus, stopped a completely disastrous healthcare bill from being rammed down our throats. Now he has negotiated a healthcare deal that will be more acceptable to most Republicans. Later, Trump deserves an enormous amount of credit when it comes to rolling back regulations. He signed an executive order on Wednesday to remove the Antiquities Act and give land and power back to the states. The Antiquities Act has been used to nationalize enormous amounts of land. Recently, George W. Bush was disastrous with this and Obama nationalized so much land, ocean and water. Finally, Josh Meyer of Politico calls in to talk to discuss his story on the hidden Iran deal giveaway.


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