5/12/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Most Americans, according to Facebook interactions, cared less about President Trump firing James Comey than other events in the Trump Administration. Americans cared more about the inauguration, the healthcare replacement attempt, and Mike Flynn. Also, was the firing of Comey unconstitutional? No, the President has plenary power to appoint and fire people in his administration. Comey was not fit to remain FBI Director, his judgment was a disaster. Also, you don’t seize the power from the Attorney General and do what Comey did. He laid out the case for the indictment for Hillary Clinton and then pulled the plug. There was no grand jury and 11th hour subpoenas were used just to make it look like they were doing something. Despite what the Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe had to say, many FBI agents were furious with what Comey did. All of a sudden both Comey and McCabe are angels. What we have here is that the left has conquered the media. They are fully out of the closet. They bring the biggest malcontents from the Democrat Party and pretend they are newsmakers. Later, some are calling Trump’s firing of Comey a constitutional crisis, or even comparing it to the assassination of JFK. What they say doesn’t matter, there is obviously nothing here. After that, Missouri has passed a Convention of States Resolution making it state number 12 to do so. People love their country and the Constitution and want to save them. Later, the left is starting to push another movement related to the use of the 25th Amendment. The left is now hoping, pushing and strategizing to make Trump look like an absolute insane buffoon and dangerous. There will be arguments about the Vice President and majority of the cabinet acting to remove him from the presidency, and then Congress making the decision. A small cabal of politicians with a very radical and anti-American base are doing everything they can to overthrow this administration.