5/11/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Most of the views the Trump administration have taken were supported by the Acting FBI Director, Andrew McCabe’s testimony. McCabe made the point that the investigation into Russian collusion goes on, even without James Comey. According to McCabe there has been no effort to impede it. Comey’s firing had nothing to do with taking resources away from the Russia investigation. Also, the only people who mention Russia are the Democrats. Russia was never mentioned by the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General or President Trump in their correspondence. Can Chuck Schumer give us one name of one Russian, Trump colluded with? No and the Democrats can't give us a single federal criminal statute violated by Trump. What’s even more disgusting than the Democrats are the Republicans, who don't stand up and fight and they join in against Trump. These hearings don’t appear to be helping the Democrats very much. After that, Comey’s call not to prosecute Hillary Clinton frustrated many FBI agents. Some of those were very vocal about these concerns. Who were they and why don’t we hear anything from them?