4/27/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: There is an all-out war being waged against conservatives by the left with Stalinist tactics. Now Bill Shine, co-President at Fox News, is under attack. If you’re a conservative they are out to destroy you and in some cases violently harm you. How come we don’t know any backgrounds of any host or executives on MSNBC, and CNN? After that, Salon ran a story that claimed Mark compared Ivanka Trump to Hillary Clinton. This is absolutely false as Mark never has or never would do such a thing. Salon needs to retract that statement. Also, Jim Himes and Adam Schiff are the only 2 Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee to look at the documents reviewed by Devin Nunes. Apparently they are also, CNN’s only two sources with regards to these documents related to Susan Rice. CNN has so destroyed journalism there is no comeback for them. After that, what is liberty? It seems like a simple concept, but it’s not. Doesn’t liberty pre date America? Where did the idea of liberty first arise? Do you need to have order to have liberty? Callers weigh in and give their own definition. Finally, a former Obama official said that bureaucrats manipulated climate stats to influence policy. We were lied too in order to advance an ideology. This is an attack on capitalism and is just the latest effort by left to nationalize economic decision making.