Mark Levin Podcast show

Mark Levin Podcast

Summary: Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, "Unfreedom of the Press," is out now. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.

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 6/19/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The long-held official policy of the Department of Justice is that a sitting president of the United States cannot be indicted, according to an official 1973/2000 DOJ memoranda. All this talk about whether President Trump personally is under investigation for obstruction of justice, or whether Trump violated the law, will never go to court. If Robert Mueller should seek to indict Trump in the end the Supreme Court would throw it out. So why does the endless cloud of investigation around the Trump administration exist? It exists generally to distract and derail Trump's presidency, and specifically for the purposes of impeachment. In addition, James Comey's notes don't say that Trump directed or ordered him to stop any investigation. The memo and the parts of it that Comey leaked does not say what Comey testified to. Later, Otto Warmbier was a young man who stopped in North Korea on his way to Hong Kong and was imprisoned by the North Koreans for taking down a banner. He didn’t die of botulism as the North Koreans suggest but was murdered by them. This is why we need to put pressure on China, even if it be sanctions, to stop North Korea and take out Kim Jong Un. Barack Obama did nothing to deal with North Korea, so Trump has to pick up the pieces.

 6/16/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Robert Mueller should step down as special prosecutor because of his conflicts of interest. The Deputy Attorney General has already demonstrated poor judgement in selecting Mueller, a friend of James Comey. Comey who was unethical in releasing a memo on a meeting with President Trump, said his goal was to have a Special Counsel appointed. Comey and Mueller have worked together in the Bush administration and are also close personal friends. Their families have had picnics, and had vacations together. Mueller cannot possibly be partial here and is anything but independent. In addition, Mueller has brought in attorneys to help investigate and some have donated to Hillary Clinton’s campaign and other Democrat campaigns. Also, thanks to Comey, the Russian investigation went from a counter intelligence investigation to a criminal investigation. Yet Comey, nicely and neatly closed the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information. In addition how is Loretta Lynch’s meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac not obstruction of justice? How come Comey never kept any notes on Loretta Lynch, yet he kept notes on Trump?Lynch should be the one who should have a special prosecutor investigate her, not Trump. Later, if Trump doesn’t defend himself, what other Republican in Congress will? The left is not used to a Republican fighting back. The idea is that if you will only shut up after being attacked, somehow you won’t feed the Iron Triangle. The Iron triangle doesn’t need to be fed but is out for the throat of the President. From the Courts to Congress, to the media and now the Justice Department, Trump has no choice to defend himself. After that, Trump has dropped some parts of the agreement with Cuba that Barack Obama made with Raul Castro. Trump put a ban on commercial dealings with Cuba's military, but Obama’s established diplomatic ties, American embassy in Cuban and other policies will remain in place. Why is our embassy in Cuba's capital yet not in Israel’s Capital of Jerusalem? Finally, James Hodgkinson, the shooter who attempted the assassination of Steve Scalise and other Republicans had a list of Republican names found on his body. Some of the members were members of the Freedom Caucus, a conservative caucus which is despised and often attacked.

 6/15/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6890

The shooting of Republicans in Virginia was predictable as the Leftists have become increasingly lawless and extreme. This personalization of politics, where the left attacks people personally, isn’t new, it’s as old as Marxism. What’s new is its embrace by democrat leadership. Rules for radicals pointed this out when Saul Alinsky wrote: pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it. The democrat party and media have embraced this kind of politics of the street. Of course, the shooter is responsible for his own actions but there’s an atmosphere of violence that has been created by the left. The shooter loved Bernie Sanders, hated America, hated the rich, hated the system and hated President Trump. He hated everything he was told to hate by the left. Also, we have roving prosecutor, Robert Mueller, whose subject is whatever he wants to investigate, it’s as broad as he chooses. He’s independent from every branch of government to take down Trump. Now, Mueller is investigating Jared Kushner’s business dealings. This is what happens when you have a king for a prosecutor. Who will charge the prosecutor if the prosecutor violated any laws - like leaking? Nobody. The democrats plan is to have Mueller write a report one day which they will use as a basis for impeachment, not indictment, if they can win back the house. This is their plan and the Republicans allowed it to happen and the Deputy AG, Rod Rosenstein, triggered it. Finally, Otto Warmbier is back home from North Korea after 17 months of captivity with a severe brain injury. North Korea is very good at torture, they do it to their citizens. Kim Jung Un needs to be taken out and China needs to do it.

 6/14/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6592

Dan Bongino, Contributing Editor at Conservative Review, fills in for Mark. House Majority Whip, Steve Scalise, was shot in the hip by a maniac who decided he was going attack a bunch of Republican congressman practicing on a baseball field. Some are now claiming this is a problem on both sides of the aisle and both liberals and conservatives need to dial down their rhetoric. But that is not true. Do credible thought leaders in the conservative movement engage in mock decapitations of President Trump like Kathy Griffin or mock assassinations of the President like Shakespeare in the Park? This is exclusive to one side, the radical left. Conservatives are not doing this and if they did, they would police themselves. The Democrat Party has degenerated from the Party of JFK to the Party of mock decapitations. The left in this country is increasingly lawless and violent. Also, on the conservative side we argue about good and bad tax policies, but the left claims we want to steal from the poor. We want to debate healthcare and the radical left claims Republicans want to kill people and take their healthcare away. You can’t have political dialogue where one side of political aisle wants to talk about ideas and the other side wants to talk about bad people. The left has nothing to fall back on. When they don't have the state there is nothing else to fill the vacuum but rage. Later, the left is investigating a sitting President for obstructing justice and Russian collusion that never happened. The stuff that the left is launching is comical. They claim that Trump is a Russian spy and trying to get Trump on felonious charges.

 6/13/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

The Democrats are on a Soviet-style hunt against AG Jeff Sessions. But all of the alleged nefarious activity concerning the Russians happened on Barack Obama’s watch. When will the Republicans ask, where were the Democrats when Russia interfered in our elections ? Where was Obama? Where was Loretta Lynch? It was Obama who met with Russian leadership and famously noted the increased flexibility he would have after the upcoming election. After that, the President and Senate knew full well that they were going to come up with a liberal version of Obamacare. They are just putting window dressings on it and pretending to repeal it. Now an Obamacare partial repeal that keeps 90% of Obamacare and repeals 10% of it is too much for the President. The premiums and deductibles on healthcare will continue to be punishingly expensive. Later, if China won’t do anything about North Korea, then what are we going to do? America needs to build up our economy and tear theirs down. Look at what Ronald Reagan did to the Soviet Union; he put the pressure on them, and they collapsed like a house of cards. Finally, the Russians have developed a cyber weapon that is capable of attacking and disrupting electric systems in America. Congress is doing nothing about this and instead we have to listen to foolish hearings on Russian collusion. This Russian weapon is a game changer. Does it sound in any way that the Senate Intelligence Committee is on top of this?

 6/12/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

The leftists think they found the part of the Constitution they like when they look at the Emoluments Clause. Now we have Attorneys General from D.C. and Maryland who are suing President Trump for supposedly flagrantly violating this clause of the Constitution. Trump is not receiving compensation form foreign governments or receiving gifts from foreign governments. However, Democrats are prepared to do this because this is a PR ploy and they are hoping to find an activist judge to back them. This is such a broad view of the Emoluments Clause that it would include Barak Obama’s book, “Dreams of My Fathers”, being bought by foreign public libraries. After that, some want the President to testify before Congress about Russian Collusion. First of all, a president should never ever testify before Congress as it is a separation of powers issue. Secondly, the Russians interfered with our election in ways that we don’t even know. 17 agencies said the Russians interfered with the 2016 election and who ran those agencies? Barack Obama and his appointees.

 6/9/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

From the beginning the focus has been on the wrong thing and the wrong people. The Democrats and Hillary Clinton and the media have concocted a scandal. A scandal that has suggested that Donald Trump and his surrogates were colluding with the Russians during the 2016 election. That is a truly incredible allegation with no facts whatsoever. The Russians did interfere with America's 2016 election, but we have been focusing on the right problem and the wrong people. What in the world did Trump have to do with that? Nothing. Barack Obama was President in 2016. Loretta Lynch was Attorney General in 2016. They were responsible for protecting our nation, our voting system, the DNC & RNC database from the Russians, and they didn't. They failed! The Left is running a massive smear campaign to cover the epic failures of the Obama administration. This was all happening while the administration was conducting domestic surveillance. The Democrats go on and on, but what did Mark Warner and Adam Schiff do to protect us from the Russians? Nothing. The Russian hacking only became an issue after Hillary Clinton lost. The Democrats are just trying to blame Trump for what happened on their watch. When are Republicans on Capitol Hill going to focus on the right thing? They need to forget about the media and the hate mongers.

 6/8/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

It appears former FBI Director James Comey's testimony before Congress has backfired on the Democrats and the media. Instead of damaging President Trump, Comey's testimony raised serious questions about his own handling of classified information by leaking his memo. Comey said he provided a copy of this key memo — which is in fact government information and property — to a private citizen for the purpose of leaking its contents to the media, which media could well be obstruction of justice. Comey knows better than this, as private citizens are not free to take government property and leak it. Mr. Comey leaked the information for the purpose of encouraging a criminal investigation. If Comey was honest, why didn’t he come out with this memo before he was fired? Also, keep in mind that he and Robert Mueller, the special counsel are buddies. The special counsel is not independent at all. In addition, there was brilliant questioning by some of the Republicans Thursday especially Marco Rubio, James Risch and James Lankford. However, Democrats at the hearing were not interested in getting to the truth but just wanted to try and destroy Trump. They were basically doing what they do on T.V., which is accusing people of criminal behavior unless they are terrorists or mass murderers. What was it that Trump said that was non-truthful to Comey and why didn’t anyone ask Comey this question? Comey is saying he felt pressured and that he didn’t like the meeting but doesn’t mention a false statement from Trump. According to Comey’s own testimony nothing that Trump did would have caused Comey to resign as a matter of ethics. Trump did nothing to obstruct justice. Finally, another big takeaway from the hearing was that Loretta Lynch tried to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. She needs to be subpoenaed to testify. Why didn’t any of the Democrats at the hearing ask about this?

 6/7/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

There’s no smoking gun of any kind in former FBI Director James Comey’s prepared congressional testimony. While the testimony contains some self-serving stuff on Comey’s part, there’s nothing at all that indicates that President Trump attempted to pressure the former agency head to stop any investigation whatsoever. The statement also comports with Trump’s previous statements that Comey told him on three separate occasions that he wasn’t under criminal investigation by the FBI. Nevertheless, the media and committee Democrats persist in trying to push a narrative of wrongdoing, as they gear up to make political hay of Comey’s open testimony before Congress Thursday. Later, Andy McCarthy, Contributing Editor at National Review, calls in to talk about the Comey testimony and the lack of evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. If there was collusion, why did Jared Kushner have to meet with the Russian ambassador to set up a back channel in December after the election? If there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians, the communication channels would have been up and running.

 6/6/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6890

Today is the anniversary of D-day which occurred on June 6, 1944. It was incredibly important that the landing succeed. There was a 50/50 chance that it wouldn’t work and General Ike Eisenhower even had a speech prepared in case of defeat. The casualties were unbelievable as many were killed when they first got out of the boats, due to German machine gun fire focusing on the boats opening. It was the greatest amphibious landing in history and gave us a foothold in France and was the beginning of the end for the Third Reich. These were young men fighting for us who were 18, 19 and in their early twenties. Now when you look at college campuses with their safe spaces, you can see how far we have sunk as a nation. The left divides, instigates, and breaks the American people up by race, gender and other categories. It is a constant and unrelenting poison. This is why it is important to remember D-Day and the battles that brought our country together. These men and women put their lives on the line to fight for this nation, yet they get little gratitude from Hollywood and the media. Later, look at the disrespect that General John Kelly, head of the DHS receives from Sen Kamala Harris. He lost his son in combat and still tries to protect this country. Harris is so obsessed with preventing local law enforcement from assisting ICE with deporting illegal aliens, and shows no respect. Finally, Colonel Richard Kemp calls in to talk about terrorism and jihadism. There is one attack a week in the United Kingdom, yet nothing ever seems to done about it. These terrorists who go to the Middle East and then travel back home are very dangerous people who have been raping and murdering. It is very disturbing that these extremists are known before the terror attacks occur.

 6/5/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The media is insane and hates President Trump. We are in the middle of World War III and the Democrat Party and the media are responsible for undermining the objectives of Trump. They are trying to criminalize politics and use any means they can to oppose and take down Trump. The President is trying to find legitimate ways to prevent what took place in England and on the London Bridge from happening in America, but he is being turned away. Trump is trying to find legitimate and Constitutional ways to protect this country from terrorism. The media is more concerned with making Trump look like the perpetrator of a Watergate scandal which is false. Also, FDR got away with putting the Japanese Americans in internment camps, and Obama has gotten away with the Iran Deal and domestic surveillance. However, Trump can’t even get a legitimate and constitutional executive order temporarily banning immigration from 6 Muslim countries that the Obama Administration had potential threats. Finally, Reality Winner, an NSA contractor, has been charged under the Espionage Act for leaking classified information to the press via mail. What if she kept classified information on a separate server like Hillary Clinton did? Should she be charged then?

 6/2/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6893

The federal courts, congress, Executive branch, and media are all aligned against President Trump. The courts blocked Trump from carrying out a simple executive order blocking immigration from 6 high risk countries. In normal times this would be a non-issue, but the Republicans in Congress either sit on the sidelines or contribute to Democrat efforts to destroy the president. The Executive Branch is responsible for many of the leaks against the president. The sabotage and subterfuge by careerists and Obama holdovers is unprecedented. The media is in an all-out war against Trump too. CNN is made up of liberal journalists and Obama appointees. MSNBC is all leftist all the time and the Washington Post and New York Times commit hit job after hit job against the President The media is destroying the first amendment by abusing it. After that, there was an abuse of power like we have never seen before in modern times by Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Susan Rice, John Brennan, James Clapper and others. Many times wittingly, the Obama administration used law enforcement methods to try to influence the outcome of the election and damage the opposition party's campaign. The evidence is growing and becoming overwhelming to support this. Also, you are the last line of defense. We, as conservatives, need to know what we believe in – and what our enemies the progressives believe in – to fight for and keep our liberty. The system is not only broken, the system has turned on us. Our liberty will be won or lost right here in America, not overseas. Finally, Kathy Griffin is a nasty and hate filled liberal. Now she makes herself out to be victim of the Trump family because she got a lawyer, Lisa Bloom, who has trained her well. Griffin is starting to sound even more foolish and more like Hillary Clinton when she blames everyone but herself. She clearly stepped out of line pretending to be ISIS holding the President’s head. She does hit jobs and plays to the worst of the left wing base.

 6/1/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The President’s speech on the Paris climate accord was magnificent, simple and directed straight at the American people, who now understand the devastating effect the Paris agreement would have had on their livelihoods. The real goal of progressives supporting the Paris accords was not to reverse climate change. It was to use the power of government to redistribute wealth. Climate change is not what really is going on here. For 100 years or more there has been a movement in this country to destroy the Republic and the civil society. They call themselves progressives. They are iron fisted tyrants in many respects and they are really regressive. The left wrap themselves in populist language but there model is authoritarianism and threats. The environmental movement is part of an ideological movement, just like healthcare. After that, why is it so controversial to move the U.S. embassy to the eternal capital of the Jews, Jerusalem? Unfortunately, on Thursday, Trump betrayed those who believed that he would move the embassy to Jerusalem by signing a waver delaying the move. The Palestinians only have recent and modern ties to Jerusalem unlike the Jewish people who have had ties to it for over a couple thousand years. The President has broken his promise. Finally, Tom Coburn calls in to talk about his new book, “Smashing the DC Monopoly” and Article V. There is a loss of liberty, by individuals, their families and their states. Article V is the only way that something of consequence can be done to save our country.

 5/31/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Conservatives aren’t sinking to the Left’s level when they fight back with media boycotts, rather, they’re engaging in self-defense. Conservatives need to counter-boycott the advertisers of liberal media personalities like MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, in response to far-left Media Matters for America’s ongoing attack campaign against Fox News’ Sean Hannity. To stand passively or debate among ourselves while one or two of us are under a concerted, organized, heavily funded assault is unconscionable. The left has adopted Soviet tactics and people are tired with putting up with it. We neither protect free speech nor protect conservatism by adopting Neville Chamberlain tactics. After that, James Comey is going to testify before Congress next week. This man with his temperament and judgement should never have been chosen for this position. All of sudden after he is fired, he looks back at his memos and says, he was pressured by Trump. If Comey believes that President Trump was obstructing justice, he should have resigned and reported the incident. In addition, Devin Nunes, said that Democrats have prevented a panel investigating Russia, from conducting a single witness interview. They don’t even want to hear from Carter Page, a former Trump campaign aide to testify and clear his name and have the narrative change. Page wants to clear up the media smear and false testimony by Comey and John Brennan, but the left won’t let him because he has become their punching bag. The Democrats who want to get to the bottom of this just want this to linger and have criminalized the investigation. Finally, Mike Lee calls in to talk about his new book, “Written Out of History”

 5/30/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The media discussion is supposed to be about the collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and the Russians. However, the media is now looking into a meeting between Jared Kushner and Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, during the Trump transition, setting up communications with the Russians. Kushner’s communication with Kislyak during a December meeting in Trump tower was intercepted because Trump Tower was surveilled and the President knew something was up. These are police state tactics, a silent coup joined in by the media such as CNN, New York Times and others. Why did the Trump administration need a back channel to the Russians? Because they didn’t trust the Obama administration. Also, the reason you have unprecedented illegal leaks in the White House is because we are fundamentally transforming America. The Obama administration poisoned the government. Whether you like Trump or not, this is not the way a Republic should be run. Later John Solomon of Circa calls in to talk about how the intelligence community using an intelligence database to perform unauthorized searched of American citizens. Finally, Sean Hannity calls in to discuss the media matters boycott of his advertisers, which is an effort to silence talk radio.


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