Mark Levin Podcast show

Mark Levin Podcast

Summary: Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, "Unfreedom of the Press," is out now. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.

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 8/21/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

Do we support the Bill of Rights? It’s crucially important for liberty today – the freedom of speech and freedom of the press. All of these amendments were drafted in part by slave owners. Do we now burn the Bill of Rights? This is the insanity of the Left’s march against the nation’s history. Where does it end? And who gets to decide what gets erased and what doesn’t? Also, the media and liberals don’t mind violence if it comes from the left. They defend antifa and black lives matters. Why? Violence is violence. Whatever hoods or masks these groups wear, street violence undermines the civil society and should be condemned. Our principles tell us to condemn all of the violence but for the left you have to choose, but we don’t pick sides - we reject them all. Later, despite the calls for Confederate monuments to be removed, nobody is talking about why we had the Civil War in the first place. Revisionists want you to hate Abraham Lincoln and say the Civil War wasn’t about slavery; it was about slavery and to keep the Union together. Finally, when Colin Kaepernick gets on 1 knee during the National Anthem, he looks like a spoiled millionaire athlete. These athletes who are doing this are destroying their fan base and there will come a point where fans will move on.

 8/18/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6593

On Friday's Mark Levin show, Bill Cunningham fills in for Mark. Trump loyalist Steve Bannon was fired on Friday. This is on top of Rex Tillerson’s speech against hate, Bob Corker calling President Trump incompetent, Carl Icahn distancing himself from Trump, and the five Joint Chiefs of Staff attacking Trump. In addition, the media is totally invested in destroying the President. They fail to focus on all the good things Trump has done. Would Hillary Clinton have approved the Keystone Pipeline, created more than 1 million jobs in the past 7 months or deported violent illegal aliens? Trump has done many good things. However if you watched NBC, MSNBC, CNN or CBS, you would think that the country is in total collapse. Also, CNN only spent 3 minutes on covering ANTIFA. ANTIFA talks about anarchy and hating fascism. However, they are the definition of fascism. After that, Trump should leave the Republican Party, because Republicans have left Trump. Americans voted for Trump not because he was a Republican but because he stood for change. In addition, where does the destruction of Confederate statues all end? Al Sharpton wants to change the name of Washington D.C. and the left wants to get rid of the Constitution. Should the state of Washington have its name changed to Jesse Jackson or Che Guevara? Just look at Germany and what was left from WWII. Auschwitz and other concentration camps still exist. There was not an effort to get rid of that horror as the purpose was for these places to serve as a reminder for what took place.

 8/17/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

On Thursday's Mark Levin show, a horrific attack took place on Thursday in Barcelona, Spain with 13 murdered and 100 injured. A terrorist there ran over pedestrians with a van. This terror attack is tied to an explosion from a bomb making house that occurred in Alcanar, Spain on Wednesday night. It is not clear how many attackers were involved. Two suspects have been arrested but the driver of the van has not been found. In addition, Wolf Blitzer and Jim Sciutto on CNN believe that Charlottesville and Barcelona may be linked. Sciutto says the shared tactics in both Barcelona and Charlottesville should be alarming. Blitzer speculates if Barcelona was a copycat attack. They have no factual information or evidence of any sort to tie the attacks together. This type of terror attack has been going on for some time in Europe. It is appalling, disgraceful, and embarrassing that there is a news outlet in this country that conducts itself in this fashion. Does ISIS need to see what is taking place in Charlottesville to know what to do? Also, Communists want to destroy the whole notion of property rights because they are built on injustice and one immoral system after another. This is what is taking place with ANTIFA and the left in this country. The left will not condemn these people because of their underlying ideology. Factions like ANTIFA and BLM seek a full revolution and to turn over our Constitutional system. They seek to do this as much as the Neo Nazis and Klansmen. We must not ignore this other force that has voice in media, in Hollywood and in academics. Later, Maria Chappelle-Nadal, part of the Missouri State Senate, posted a Facebook comment that she hopes that Trump will be assassinated, which she later deleted. This is the left with its poison. Finally, Bob Corker is a man who sold out the country with the Iran Deal. Corker made it possible, along with Barack Obama and Mitch McConnell, for Iran to make ICBMs for the next 10 years.

 8/16/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The mainstream media — specifically, The New York Times — who are falling over themselves to play to their rabid base in excoriating President Trump as a neo-Nazi sympathizer. Trump condemned both sides of the violence in Charlottesville, and the liberal media are aghast that he drew a moral equivalency between Alt-“Right” and Antifa. The media are telling us that if we condemn Antifa violence, we must actually support the neo-Nazis. We don’t support them and you don’t have to accept the mantra and insanity of the Left. Did Donald Trump ever try to deny the Holocaust? No. However, the New York Times buried the Holocaust in its pages during WWII. Yet they dare to write an editorial on Trump, blaming him for the violence in Charlottesville. Despite the Times’ failure it remains the record paper of the left. It took them 50 years to recognize their gross negligence yet Trump is attacked for adding to his statement within 48 hours. Also, the Democrat Party is the party of the Klan and was tied to the Klan for years. The Democrat party throughout history was a party of Klansmen and segregationists. In 1924, the Democrat Party refused to reject lynching. Democrats voted to make Robert Byrd the number two Democrat of the Senate and eventually made him Senate Majority leader in 1977. You think we would hear about this but Republicans are too cowardly to speak up. After that, we and the left reject Nazism and white supremacy. Will the left reject Marxism, National Socialism, the ideologies that murdered 10s of millions? Will they reject the Marxist ANTIFA who is causing mayhem? Finally, the government is arming the terrorist group Hezbollah. Given that Lebanon is controlled by Hezbollah and a client state of Iran doesn’t that mean we are arming Hezbollah? Yes it does. This defies the logic that the Lebanese government could maintain control over this shipment without it being confiscated by Hezbollah first. We are placing ourselves against our own interests and aiding our enemies such as Iran.

 8/15/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

President Trump at Trump tower asked the same question Mark asked, if the left is going get rid of the Jefferson Memorial next. Why tear down statues of people who gave us freedom? Also, the Democrat party is official tied to Jim Crow, William Fulbright, Robert Byrd and Roger Taney and they should change their name. Look at the Democrat Party’s history. This is the same party that refused to condemn lynching in 1924 and the same party that failed to vote for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Al Sharpton talks about slavery yet he is a member of the Democrat Party. It was the Republican Party that led the battle against slavery and upheld the Union, won the Civil war and opposed segregation. Later, the press was very hostile to Trump at his press conference. The kept shouting over him and refused to even listen to what the President had to say. Did they ever do this when Obama sold out the country to the Islamo-regime in Iran? Did they ever shout down Obama? No. This is about the president and the American people, not about these media phony figures – leftists dressed up as journalists. In addition, just because the alt-right is clearly wrong, doesn’t mean we have to be blind to the violence of leftists groups such as ANTIFA. The media won’t educate the people about ANTIFA which is a collection of hateful anarchists. Do the media take any responsibility for fanning the flames of violence? Why didn’t they track down the leaders of the Neo-Nazis movement instead of attacking Trump? The media refuses to report what takes place. Later, the Obama team was warned of Russian interference in 2014. It seems Barack Obama was too busy interfering in Israel’s elections to monitor what was going on in our country.

 8/14/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The media is trying to tie President Trump to white supremacy after the violence in Charlottesville, VA. Trump is no white supremacist and his DOJ including, Jeff Sessions and the FBI are already investigating this incident. Nothing in Trump’s background demonstrates that he ever was a white supremacist or ever supported these hate groups. This is a flat out lie by the media. This event was instigated by the KKK, Neo-Nazis and other groups, which are a sick and hate filled people. While they are a very small fraction of the American population, even that is too much. It is incredible that the same media that spread racism and balkanization is sowing seeds of division yet again. You will never see the media condemn ANTIFA, a leftist hate group that was present in Charlottesville as well. To add, the Declaration of Independence tells us that God Almighty created us in His image and that every human being has a right to life liberty and happiness. Every single one of us no matter race, religion or creed has this right. The Founders gave us the Declaration of Independence because they knew that future generations would have to deal with slavery. The Neo Nazis, KKK and white supremacists do not represent a majority of white Americans in this country. After that, Mo Brooks calls in to talk about the Alabama primary being held on Tuesday. Brooks is conservative and is at a statistical tie in an internal poll with Luther Strange. Mitch McConnell wants Strange because he believes Strange will represent him. McConnell and other special interests have invested millions of dollars in Strange. Strange and McConnell are trying to portray Brooks as a supporter of ISIS and friend of Nancy Pelosi. This is absurd and false. We have to take out Mitch McConnell as the majority leader and put in someone who will be faithful to conservative values. The man who leads the failed Republican majority is trying to continue that failure by stopping Brooks.

 8/11/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6598

The situation with North Korea is very dangerous. Past presidents dropped the ball on this and President Trump has every right to be frustrated with how they handled North Korea. People like Bill Cohen, Susan Rice, John Brennan and James Clapper are complaining how Trump is handling the situation when they did nothing about this crisis before Trump was in office. They should be questioned by the media like CNN and MSNBC as to why. Also, everyone thinks China is going to assist us in dealing with North Korea. This is the same China saying India better prepare for war and threatening Japan. Where is Congress? Congress has a role to play and should pass a spending bill funding the Department of Defense. After that, Jeffery Lord, calls in to talk about his firing from CNN. CNN has done Media Matters’ dirty work. Their purpose is to destroy anybody that disagrees with the Democrats. Lord has tried to stand up to Media Matters and of course they tried to destroy them. Angelo Carusone of Media Matters is the person behind Lord’s firing and has attacked Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh in the past. He is the one who is behaving as a fascist and has done enormous damage to those who embrace Americanism. In addition, we cannot make progress in restoring the country as long as Mitch McConnell is leading in the Senate. McConnell he is a power hungry obstructer, and failed to stop Barack Obama in any respect. When it came to Obama’s agenda such as massive cuts to the military budget and the Iran Deal, he paved the way. He can’t get things done because he doesn’t want to get things done.

 8/10/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6592

Ben Shapiro, Editor in Chief of the Daily Wire, fills in for Mark. The media are making it out like President Trump is out of control with his words towards North Korea, which isn’t true. The media is attached to a vision that Trump is a nutcase who is going to start a nuclear war. But they have said this about every Republican President since Ronald Reagan. When it comes to using language like “fire and fury”, Trump uses these types of words all the time. The history of North Korea shows us why kicking the can down the road never works. All of the hard choices that Trump has dealt with now are based on a past of bad decisions by American Presidents on North Korea. These problems have been going on for over six decades since Harry Truman. After that, CNN fired Jeffrey Lord because of a tweet that included a Nazi salute. But Lord was just mocking the fascism of Media Matters who he was in an argument with. CNN was looking for an excuse to fire Lord and they got it. In addition, Republicans have been promising for years they would pass legislation such as tax reform and repealing Obamacare and they haven’t done it. Trump has said it is time for Mitch McConnell to get things moving or get out. This kind of fighting that Trump is engaging McConnell in is more personal than it is about policy. This kind of fighting will not achieve any wins. As conservatives we have to warn Trump from supporting leftists because he is angry at McConnell. Finally, Trump wants to help battle the opioid addiction crisis. However, throwing federal funding at it is not the answer, but support from the family and community is.

 8/9/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

We have negotiated with North Korea since the early 1990s through both Democrat and Republican Presidents. Past presidents pretended they put a cap on what was going on when they did not, from George H W Bush to Barack Obama. Now North Korea has upwards of 60 nuclear warheads and have even miniaturized some to fit in an ICBM capsule. In addition, most of the people criticizing what President Trump said about North Korea, are responsible – through their passivity, through their appeasement – for the situation that we are in today. The same entrenched foreign policy establishment including Leon Panetta and John McCain are condemning Trump when they are responsible for this situation. They are responsible through their passivity and appeasement. These people are never held to account. For them it is just easier to attack Trump than deal with the real threat that we face. Later, Trump has endorsed Luther Strange over Mo Brooks for one of Alabama’s Senate seats. Trump can’t claim to be an outsider when he embraces the inside. He just undermined conservatives in Alabama and every conservative in the country. To add, Mitch McConnell snuck language in a bill that enabled his Republican Senatorial Committee to raise 10 times the money it was allowed to. He is using this money to elect incumbents that will support him in the Senate. $8 million is being spent to support Strange and destroy Brooks. Finally, people like Paul Manafort are being targeted by the special counsel have no recourse in this investigation. Robert Mueller and his investigators are out of control.

 8/8/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

We may be on the brink of war with North Korea and it’s not because of the Trump administration. The Obama administration stood by while North Korea developed its nukes. The current threat from North Korea is the culmination of years of failure from Obama and the foreign policy establishment in Washington, D.C. President Donald Trump has said that North Korea will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. Immediately Democrats and the media are trashing the President for his statement and saying that he is reckless and that it encourages North Korea. This is not a question of whether we thought what Trump said was wise or unwise, but is about the fact that we are at the brink of war. After that, Deputy Assistant to the President, Sebastian Gorka calls in to talk about Trump’s statement on North Korea. Either China puts a stop to this or Trump or the next president will have to make a devastating decision. Later, Mitch McConnell thinks everything is fine and is full of excuses. The guy needs to be thrown out. He and the Senate are underperforming, we cannot make progress as long as McConnell is in the Senate.

 8/7/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

Is America capable of defending itself against the threat of North Korea, Iran, and China? Two out of these three nations have threatened to fire missiles at our country. We have the Democrat media who contribute nothing to the future of this country and Republicans in this Congress who have participated in sequestration. These Republicans went along with Obama’s defense sequester so they wouldn’t have to shut down the federal government. The Congress can’t even pass a budget funding military despite the threat Iran and North Korea pose. After that, Henry Kissinger warns that destroying ISIS will lead to the Iranian regime filling the power vacuum left behind. This means an Iranian radical empire could be created. This is what Benjamin Netanyahu has been warning about. Iran is trying to build bases on the Syrian border with Israel and are trying to build a major road so they can move military equipment and armored vehicles into Israel. This is happening because of Barack Obama’s disastrous Iran Deal. He is the most reckless president in U.S. history, yet he is admired and praised by the media and Washington establishment. Also, the Republican Party has moved so far backwards since Mitch McConnell has been a Republican leader in the Senate. His failures as a leader can be measured by the success of the Democrats under President Obama — a success that continues to this day as Republicans continuously fail in advancing a conservative agenda. McConnell is truly incapable of communicating effectively with the American people. When history is written, his disastrous reign as the Republican leader, both in the minority and the majority in the United States Senate, will be noted. Finally, the problem with Jeff Flake is that he doesn’t believe in conservative principles, he sounds like an ideologue He votes for big government, took no lead in the repeal of Obamacare, and believes in open borders. Flake has no right to lecture us.

 8/4/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

As special counsel Robert Mueller has impaneled a grand jury in the Russia investigation, there is an ongoing coup against President Trump. CNN commentators were dismissive of this argument and labeled Mark a thought leader of the Trump wing of the Republican Party. That is exactly wrong. What’s taking place is coup activity, it’s not about arguing to or for the Trump base. It is the use of the law to destroy the law. It is the use of the law to destroy the constitutional system. This isn’t about Team Red and Team Blue. It's about Team America. After that, Lindsey Graham doesn’t understand the basics of the Constitution. He has joined with leftists in the Senate to prevent the President from firing Robert Mueller. The President has plenary power over the executive branch and Congress can’t prevent him from firing a subordinate. In addition, the ACLU asked the FBI for any documents related to the Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton tarmac meeting in 2016. The FBI under James Comey said they didn’t have any documents at the time, but the current FBI has released some documents. Though they are heavily redacted, they show enough information to display that there is collusion between the media and the left. Also, in the first 6 months there have been more leaks than the last 3 years combined. The vast majority of them are obviously people who have a different agenda than Trump. They violate their oaths and federal law to leak national security information and conversations between Trump and foreign leaders. The leakers are at work against the Constitution and the voters. Is this what the framers meant by the first amendment? Finally, Mike Lee calls in to talk about how the Constitution is being turned inside out. If the Senate was to continue at its current pace of filling Trump’s appointments, they would be completely filled in 11 years.

 8/3/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The media are thrilled today because special counsel Robert Mueller impaneled a grand jury in D.C., affording him the power to subpoena documents, put witnesses under oath, and seek an indictment should there be any evidence of criminal activity. They are going to drag Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort, in front of that jury and see if they can find any contradictions in their testimony. Then they will see if they can get somebody on perjury. This process is un-American when it’s abused the way this one has been. This is a coup that should upset every American — Trump supporter or not. You can bet the entire purpose of the special counsel appointment is to destroy Trump’s presidency. However, in destroying his presidency, the Democrats are undermining Trump’s ability to protect this nation from Iran, North Korea, China and Russia. After that, Benjamin Netanyahu is being accused of bribery. The same left attacking Trump in America are going after Netanyahu in Israel. Allegation after allegation is coming against him, but Netanyahu has strenuously denied any wrong doing. You have Hezbollah building bases on the border with Israel and Syria and these guys are chasing Netanyahu with no evidence. The left is unbelievable. Later, John Bolton former Ambassador to the UN calls in to talk about North Korea. The Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, thinks he has a great idea, let’s talk to the North Koreans. How are we going to talk to the North Koreans when they are building ICBMS to aim at us? We have tried negotiations with them for 25 years and they have used that time to make ballistic missiles. Pyongyang should not be able to terrorize innocent American citizens or threaten its neighbor South Korea. Finally, Mo Brooks calls in to talk about his run for one of Alabama’s Senate seats. Mitch McConnell is using $8 million dollars from special interest groups to subvert the will of the American people to elect Luther Strange. McConnell is trying to make Brooks out to be the same as Nancy Pelosi which is a lie. Also, McConnell hasn’t raised money from the people of Alabama but from millionaire and billionaire special interests who are happy with what is going on Washington. Strange’s loyalty will lie with these groups trying to put him in office. These Senate seats should be based on who is the best candidate and who promotes conservative principles that are the foundation of our nation.

 8/2/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The RAISE Act, a bill to roll back the nation's unprecedented levels of unfettered immigration in favor of a merit-based immigration system, is outstanding. Immigration is not a program. It is not a policy that’s for the benefit of the foreigner. The purpose of immigration is to benefit the American citizenry. America under the Raise Act will take applicants who can speak English, have skills that can contribute to this country and who are self-sufficient This never would have happened under Jeb Bush or 90% of the other Republicans running in 2016. However, according to Mike Bloomberg, we need immigrants to come here to start new businesses. If immigrants have the money and want to start a business in America and you speak English, get in line. Trump is not against this. Bloomberg and the rest of them are liars when they say immigrants are coming here to do jobs Americans won’t do. Americans build everything, and come to the rescue of other countries as well. In addition, Democrats don’t want immigrants coming into this country to be successful, wealthy or to start a business. They want as many people in this country on welfare and the public dole. Trump’s position used to be a very basic government positon of Presidents in both Democrat and Republican parties. Immigration is not a policy for the benefit of the third world or any part of the world. The purpose of immigration is to benefit the American citizen. It is not to increase the ranks of the Democrat Party and expand the welfare state. Also, the Democrats have decided that the way to win back the three branches of government is through race. The Democrat Party are the real racists, they were the party of slavery and the party of Jim Crow. Later, lumber prices have risen as much as 25% because of a newly enacted tariff on Canadian lumber. American lumber companies benefit but at the expense of the American consumer. How is shooting consumers in the foot putting America first? Finally, Samantha Powers is believed to have made hundreds of unmasking requests to identify individuals related to the Trump transition team. This behavior is unprecedented for a person in her position and is the scandal of scandals.

 8/1/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6893

What is wrong with President Trump assisting his son, Donald Trump Jr. with a statement on the meeting with the Russian lawyer? The more we learn about this meeting the more we learn it is of no consequence. Nothing unethical or illegal happened at the meeting. We have this Fusion GPS organization which many of us think is a Democrat front group. We have actual collusion and conspiracy with an organization that had a dossier which involved the Kremlin and Vladimir Putin. Fusion GPS actually took money from the Russian government. They are a quintessential KGB-style ruse. We have real scandals involving Debbie Wasserman Shultz, domestic surveillance and Fusion GPS. The media is chasing after Trump Jr. over nothing. Meanwhile, the North Koreans are aiming ICBM's at the U.S., healthcare is crumbling and the Iranians are developing nuclear weapons. In addition, a phony shoe drops every day with the Washington Post and the New York Times. They focus on collusion with Russia, yet they don’t talk about Russia’s provocations against the U.S. or their activities in Syria and the Middle East. Does the Times or the Post ever report anything positive on Trump? Also, Erdogan and Maduro are dictators. They’re abusing, torturing and imprisoning their own people in the name of paradise. What they do to their opponents is what is being done to Trump. After that, global warming is such a fraud being perpetrated against the American people. The sun has more of an effect on the weather than cows, or car companies like GM or Toyota could ever have. The left think they are filled with knowledge and science but global warming is just ideology. This is a red leftist movement that has nothing to do with the environment but has everything to do with deindustrializing America. It is a Degrowth movement. To add, Tuesday is the 30th anniversary of Rush Limbaugh being on talk radio. What would we do without Rush?


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