8/9/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: We have negotiated with North Korea since the early 1990s through both Democrat and Republican Presidents. Past presidents pretended they put a cap on what was going on when they did not, from George H W Bush to Barack Obama. Now North Korea has upwards of 60 nuclear warheads and have even miniaturized some to fit in an ICBM capsule. In addition, most of the people criticizing what President Trump said about North Korea, are responsible – through their passivity, through their appeasement – for the situation that we are in today. The same entrenched foreign policy establishment including Leon Panetta and John McCain are condemning Trump when they are responsible for this situation. They are responsible through their passivity and appeasement. These people are never held to account. For them it is just easier to attack Trump than deal with the real threat that we face. Later, Trump has endorsed Luther Strange over Mo Brooks for one of Alabama’s Senate seats. Trump can’t claim to be an outsider when he embraces the inside. He just undermined conservatives in Alabama and every conservative in the country. To add, Mitch McConnell snuck language in a bill that enabled his Republican Senatorial Committee to raise 10 times the money it was allowed to. He is using this money to elect incumbents that will support him in the Senate. $8 million is being spent to support Strange and destroy Brooks. Finally, people like Paul Manafort are being targeted by the special counsel have no recourse in this investigation. Robert Mueller and his investigators are out of control.