8/2/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: The RAISE Act, a bill to roll back the nation's unprecedented levels of unfettered immigration in favor of a merit-based immigration system, is outstanding. Immigration is not a program. It is not a policy that’s for the benefit of the foreigner. The purpose of immigration is to benefit the American citizenry. America under the Raise Act will take applicants who can speak English, have skills that can contribute to this country and who are self-sufficient This never would have happened under Jeb Bush or 90% of the other Republicans running in 2016. However, according to Mike Bloomberg, we need immigrants to come here to start new businesses. If immigrants have the money and want to start a business in America and you speak English, get in line. Trump is not against this. Bloomberg and the rest of them are liars when they say immigrants are coming here to do jobs Americans won’t do. Americans build everything, and come to the rescue of other countries as well. In addition, Democrats don’t want immigrants coming into this country to be successful, wealthy or to start a business. They want as many people in this country on welfare and the public dole. Trump’s position used to be a very basic government positon of Presidents in both Democrat and Republican parties. Immigration is not a policy for the benefit of the third world or any part of the world. The purpose of immigration is to benefit the American citizen. It is not to increase the ranks of the Democrat Party and expand the welfare state. Also, the Democrats have decided that the way to win back the three branches of government is through race. The Democrat Party are the real racists, they were the party of slavery and the party of Jim Crow. Later, lumber prices have risen as much as 25% because of a newly enacted tariff on Canadian lumber. American lumber companies benefit but at the expense of the American consumer. How is shooting consumers in the foot putting America first? Finally, Samantha Powers is believed to have made hundreds of unmasking requests to identify individuals related to the Trump transition team. This behavior is unprecedented for a person in her position and is the scandal of scandals.