8/17/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: On Thursday's Mark Levin show, a horrific attack took place on Thursday in Barcelona, Spain with 13 murdered and 100 injured. A terrorist there ran over pedestrians with a van. This terror attack is tied to an explosion from a bomb making house that occurred in Alcanar, Spain on Wednesday night. It is not clear how many attackers were involved. Two suspects have been arrested but the driver of the van has not been found. In addition, Wolf Blitzer and Jim Sciutto on CNN believe that Charlottesville and Barcelona may be linked. Sciutto says the shared tactics in both Barcelona and Charlottesville should be alarming. Blitzer speculates if Barcelona was a copycat attack. They have no factual information or evidence of any sort to tie the attacks together. This type of terror attack has been going on for some time in Europe. It is appalling, disgraceful, and embarrassing that there is a news outlet in this country that conducts itself in this fashion. Does ISIS need to see what is taking place in Charlottesville to know what to do? Also, Communists want to destroy the whole notion of property rights because they are built on injustice and one immoral system after another. This is what is taking place with ANTIFA and the left in this country. The left will not condemn these people because of their underlying ideology. Factions like ANTIFA and BLM seek a full revolution and to turn over our Constitutional system. They seek to do this as much as the Neo Nazis and Klansmen. We must not ignore this other force that has voice in media, in Hollywood and in academics. Later, Maria Chappelle-Nadal, part of the Missouri State Senate, posted a Facebook comment that she hopes that Trump will be assassinated, which she later deleted. This is the left with its poison. Finally, Bob Corker is a man who sold out the country with the Iran Deal. Corker made it possible, along with Barack Obama and Mitch McConnell, for Iran to make ICBMs for the next 10 years.