Mark Levin Podcast show

Mark Levin Podcast

Summary: Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, "Unfreedom of the Press," is out now. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.

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 11/3/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:52:13

President Trump keeps saying the Republican tax plan is the biggest tax cut in American history. But the biggest tax cuts in history were the Ronald Reagan tax cuts. Republicans sound like leftists today. While they are cutting rates for many people, t...

 11/2/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:51:26

The Republican tax reform plan is 85% good but the whole theory behind it is somewhat schizophrenic. There are tax cuts, but the elimination of some tax deductions and tax credits are effectively a tax increase for some people. There should be no incre...

 11/1/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:52:00

President Trump has taken the position that the diversity lottery Visa program needs to be abolished. The visa lottery treats foreign nationals who comply with our laws the same as those who violate our laws. This program is dangerous, has national sec...

 10/31/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:51:59

29 year-old Uzbekistani, Sayfullo Saipov, who moved to the U.S. in 2010, killed 8 people in Lower Manhattan with a rented truck. Sayfullo came to the United States, seven years ago under the Diversity Visa program, which is another insane idea from ano...

 10/17/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6801

Why has President Trump flipped on Obamacare subsidies? Just last Thursday, Trump struck a major blow against Obamacare, ending the illegal cost-sharing subsidies that were keeping the failed Democratic law afloat. On Tuesday, Trump backed a bipartisan plan to restore those subsidies, enshrining Obamacare rather than working to repeal it. If Congress passes this and the president signs it, that makes it constitutional. That also makes it outrageous because that means both political parties, both elected branches – Congress and the president – have created a massive new entitlement boondoggle that is lawful. In the meantime, the Democrats win the argument on Obamacare because the Republicans and the President are buckling. Obamacare is going to be enshrined forever because Republicans who control the House, Senate, and presidency won’t repeal it and are intent on funding it. Also, when Democrats get control they will move immediately move to socialize healthcare. The left opposes federalism and state sovereignty. After that, why are we not being loyal to the Kurds the way they are loyal to us? It doesn’t mean we have to send in troops, but the U.S. should take an active role in protecting our loyal friends. Trump needs to intervene on the Kurds’ behalf. The Kurds helped us on our way to destroying ISIS and the way we are treating them is immoral. They have been absolutely loyal to the U.S. military and have been courageous. Later, we have an industry in Hollywood that is drenched in potential sexual crimes and abuse of women. What we need is a special sexual crimes unit to investigate the entertainment industry. We have serious allegations of sexual criminality and workplace harassment. Where is the EEOC, the DOJ and the media?

 10/16/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6820

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has a stunning dearth of knowledge when it comes to the Tea Party. He doubled down on his support for establishment candidates saying conservatives simply cannot win general elections. McConnell needs a history lesson on the Tea Party. Marco Rubio. Mike Lee. Rand Paul. Ted Cruz. These are but a few winning Tea Party candidates that were opposed by the establishment but are now key figures in the Republican majority. The Senate is not going to embrace conservative principles or deal with the debt unless Mitch McConnell is thrown out of office. After that Ambassador to Israel, Ron Dermer calls in to talk about the Iran deal. President Trump gave a historic speech in presenting his decertification of the deal. Trump’s speech signified that America has a President that is ready to take on Iran. This is a militant Islamic regime that wants to export its radical ideology around the world. The Iran deal was a very bad deal and put the International Community on cruise control heading over a cliff. Trump could have kicked the can down the road but has made the responsible decision in decertifying. When Israelis and Arabs are supportive of something that tells you it is pretty sound policy. Later, some think that the NFL teams are colluding against Colin Kaepernick to keep him off the field. Maybe it is because he just isn’t that good. He and other NFL players take a knee for police brutality, but there is not systemic racial violence done by police. However, there is systemic violence against the police. In 2016,118 law enforcement officers died in line of duty compared to 86 the year before. In addition, another 57,000 officers were assaulted in the line of duty and 16,000 of those sustained injuries.

 10/13/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6754

the Democrats now stand with the Islamo-Nazi regime in Iran. They stand with a terror state that threatens to destroy our country, Israel and the surrounding Arab and Gulf states instead of with the best interests of America. How many times have you heard Democrats talk about the Constitution being a living and breathing document? Yet when it comes to the Iran deal, it’s untouchable, because Barack Obama signed it. Democrats are so filled with hate and a desire for power that even when Trump does the correct thing, they can’t accept that. It is astonishing how Obama sold out the U.S. and how the Democrat Party is in support of this. This deal was secured with the evisceration of the Treaty Clause of the Constitution. The same people who were behind securing this agreement are now claiming that the President not reject what they created. Meanwhile, Congress has 60 days to fix the Iran Deal. Will Democrats use the filibuster to protect Iran? If they do they need to be called out for it. After that, Trump ended Obamacare's illegal insurance company subsidies. Obama decided that in order to hold up Obamacare he would violate the Constitution and the ACA statute. His violation of Article 1 of the Constitution and the ACA statute was declared by a federal court, but Obama did not care and ordered the Treasury Department to issue subsidies anyway. Later, Christopher Scalia calls in to talk about his new book, “Scalia Speaks”

 10/12/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6778

President Trump is trying to bring down the cost and increase the options for the individual in this country regarding healthcare. Trump is doing what he can from the executive branch and the Obamacare statutes give him the leeway to do so. It is precious to hear Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer attack Trump for not going through Congress, yet they were the ones that passed the statute allowing Trump to make the changes he did on Thursday. The problem with healthcare is government’s iron fist and the politicization of it by the left. What Trump is doing is a good tiny first step and one of the few steps the President can take unilaterally. However, the left is so obsessed with Obamacare that even small steps to give individuals relief from the burdens of Obamacare are opposed. After that, it looks like Trump will decertify the Iran Deal. The next step is to kill the deal, but the left does not want the President to take the next step to drop the deal. They are trying to make it sound like it will result in a catastrophe and that Trump is reckless. Trump is in no way putting America at a greater conceivable risk by pulling out of the Iran Deal. Also, the Harvey Weinstein scandal has helped bring to light to the cultural rot in Hollywood. It’s bigger than Weinstein and there has been a massive conspiracy of silence and cover-up. Weinstein and others in Hollywood are not just creating inappropriate or immoral behavior, it could easily be criminal behavior. Hollywood is an industry like anything else (coal, football, cell phones, etc.) And because the industry has been perpetuating real, legitimate criminal conduct, there should be an FBI unit created, at least temporarily, to investigate the activities taking place in Hollywood.

 10/11/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6827

We’re starting to see signs that President Trump is buckling on his Iran deal promise. The reason? Obama holdovers in the Trump administration are reportedly threatening Trump’s promises to repeal the Iran nuclear deal, but the commander in chief should stick to his guns. It’s very important for this administration to completely scrap the deal, not just renegotiate it. Renegotiation would be a naïve and dangerous move. How many more pieces of paper must we sign with Iran before we realize that they have no intention of complying with it? We signed document after document with North Korea and that didn’t seem to work. After that, all these phony actors and actresses who claim they don’t know anything about Harvey Weinstein’s sexual abuse of women need to be interviewed. The FBI should set up a special sex crimes unit for Hollywood to get to the bottom of it. It should all be known which, actors, and directors were colluding with Weinstein. This is the Hollywood conspiracy of silence. Weinstein's habits were such an open secret they were joked about in the past. Basic morality sounds rather incongruent when it comes to Hollywood but the law applies to them too. The big liberal media, including the New York Times which killed this story on Weinstein also had a part in this. Later, the left is destroying the Boy Scouts and have been after them for decades. Now the Boy Scouts have agreed to accept girls into their program. This change was urged by the National Organization for Women.

 10/10/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6807

Wealthy NFL players have abused their positions. They get on their knee for a minute and cause all this tumult and go home thinking they have done something great. They have really done zero to participate in the social justice cause. NFL surrogates keep saying it is not against the flag or the National Anthem but against police officers. But we don’t have systemic police abuse in this country, there is no evidence for this claim in any reputable survey. Nobody is saying police departments are perfect, but neither are football players. The football players are not united because of civil rights, but because of the NFL players union. The union and players have decided to take on the fans and are just in it for themselves. After that, apparently the pervasions of Harvey Weinstein have been known for decades by various journalists, the NY Times and big names in Hollywood. Hollywood is filled with frauds and fakes who pretend to stand for women’s rights. Are there more men and women like Weinstein in Hollywood? This is a massive cover up in the Hollywood community. Why would Hillary Clinton, the Obama’s and the National Organization for Women wait 5 days to condemn this? Because Progressivism is a poison and a drive for power and control. They will cut a guy like Harvey Weinstein loose, but they would rather not. Later, there is a lot of talk about cleaning out the Republican Establishment in primaries. We may be able to slow down the regression by electing conservatives but we are not going to save the Republic by doing this. Our Republic has been degraded so much that in order reverse course a Convention of States is needed. Many issues like private property, the 17th Amendment, and federal spending can only be reined in by Article V. The Convention of States needs to become the primary focus of constitutional conservatives.

 10/9/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6813

It's Columbus Day, but not in Los Angeles where they are celebrating the city’s first Indigenous People’s Day. Yes this is another point of history where we are supposed to espouse the left, because all these people in our past were not as great as Al Sharpton, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama or Nancy Pelosi. The left is busy defacing monuments of Columbus and others, because according to them America is a terrible place and leftists are the only perfect people. The truth is that we don’t know what Indigenous People’s Day means as research is showing that the first Americans may have been descended from people out of Southeast Asia, particular Australia. The city of Los Angeles doesn’t know what indigenous means either. The goal is to trash the country and trash America's Founding. The left believes that what Christopher Columbus did in discovering America must be destroyed and ripped out from the history books. The people who are attacking Columbus Day know exactly what they are doing. It is the Marxist left and social justice warriors that are behind this. They want to destroy Americanism. Also, all of us should celebrate Columbus Day, because what Columbus brought to this country was a modern world, so we could live the way we live today. It was not paradise before Columbus came, not in the least. The pre-Columbus world was harsh. For example, the Aztec's practiced human sacrifice and treated conquered tribes lethally. In addition, what Mike Pence did by leaving the NFL game because of the protest was courageous. He has exposed the NFL players. People are accusing Pence of making a choreographed move, yet the NFL players taking a knee is choreographed. Protests by NFL players have lost all substance. They have taken their celebrity status and abused it with their protest. If you are really a social justice warrior prove it. What most sportscasters and mouth pieces don’t understand is that the regular working people who watch the NFL do not support the players taking a knee. Later, Bob Corker was happy to eviscerate the Treaty Clause of the Constitution with the Iran deal. The Treaty Clause requires two-thirds of Senators to agree to ratify treaties. Alexander Hamilton explained in Federalist 75 that if we were to have legal arrangements with another country, more than one man should be involved.

 10/6/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6537

Dan Bongino, Contributing Editor at Conservative Review fills in for Mark. Surrounded by top military commanders President Trump says this might be the calm before the storm and the media go nuts. Trump is trying to get leaders overseas to believe he has some kind of a screw loose, which is a genius move. After that, the goal of the left is to disarm people and take away guns from law abiding citizens. They want people to rely on the state for everything. The left is so passionate about gun control in spite of the fact they have no data or facts to back up their assertions. If you can’t possess a weapon to protect yourself where are you going to get safety and security? The liberals are obsessed with power and control. We have got to start going on the offensive against the liberals, and start fighting back. Also, this bump stock controversy is a red herring. The bump stock was invented for people who had physical problems to help them shoot better. However, they are not very effective and often cause guns to lock or jam up. In addition, Jimmy Kimmel is a so called expert on healthcare and now he is an expert on firearms. Has Kimmel ever walked into a house in the middle of Iowa and asked why a homeowner there had an AR-15? If he asked Americans why we feel the need to carry a gun he might gain some understanding. Criminals love gun laws because then they get to prey on the helpless.

 10/5/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6814

Members of the House and the Senate have the answer to mass murder: ban bump stocks. They have a bipartisan bill and they are going to pat themselves on the back by banning something that most of us have never heard of. If Stephen Paddock hadn’t had this device he would have used other devices to slaughter as many human beings as he could. Before anybody heard of bump stocks and other similar devices, the left was already pushing for the evisceration of the 2nd Amendment. Bret Stephens, a pseudo conservative, calls for the repeal of the Second Amendment entirely and says that James Madison would agree with him. This version of illiteracy burped up by Stephens will be used by the Left repeatedly. After that, John Bolton calls in to talk about the Iran Deal. What President Trump should do is decertify the Iran Deal and walk away. Trump has certified, not once, but twice already. Only in Washington could you get wrapped in a conundrum like this. Trump needs to show moral leadership and do what he said in his campaign and get out of the deal entirely. The Iranians will take full advantage of our weak position in this deal. Why do we have to wait for Iran to have nuclear weapons ready and pointed at us?

 10/4/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6806

These mass murders are horrific in every respect, but they make a tiny fraction of fraction of gun deaths in the country. There are around 33,000 annual gun deaths and two-thirds of those are suicides. Unfortunately, there will still be mass murder in this country, and not because of our gun laws but because of evil people. Also, people are now talking about banning bump stocks, which received the go ahead from the Obama administration’s ATF. Democrats can outlaw bump stocks and outlaw any device they want, but their measures will be ineffective in toppling barbarians that want to use these devices.. The more nonsense is argued, the less likelihood we will come to a solution. After that, the voices that have been smearing and trashing very brave police officers, who did so much in Las Vegas, are now silent. Colin Kaepernick who took his first knee is silent and so are the broadcasters. They don't praise the police, don’t thank them or speak of their heroism. The liberals will be out in full force to trash the police, it is just a matter of time. Later, there are things that can be done to save American lives and that would be to address our CAFÉ standards. These ensure that automobiles get more and more mileage. In order to meet these government standards, vehicles need to be made lighter and lighter. As a result, automobile accidents cause thousands of deaths per year. Congress could repeal the CAFÉ standard which would save many lives, however they won’t do that. Finally, According to Rex Tillerson, Joseph Dunfort and James Mattis, Iran is complying with the Iran Deal, but they are not. Iran has failed to comply with material elements of the deal and cannot be relied on to live up to any changes in the deal

 10/3/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6796

It’s only 2 days after the mass slaughter in Las Vegas but the left and media won’t relent. All day we are being bombarded with demands by late night comics, journalists, and politicians demanding gun control. What actual gun safety measures would have stopped Stephen Paddock from carrying out his terror? We’re still waiting for a liberal to answer. Liberals throw out words such as “fear” and “evil” with regards to guns. However, they have no idea what they are talking about. You can’t just walk into a grocery store and buy a machine gun. The purchase of these is strictly regulated by Federal Law and banned in many states. Despite what some media commentators claim, gun laws apply just as much to gun shows as they do to storefronts. To add, nighttime comics are becoming increasingly political. Liberal comics like Trevor Noah, Jimmy Kimmel, and Stephen Colbert should tell us exactly what to do about mass murders. They say we ought to have laws, but no law will stop a criminal. Later, on October 15 the President has to address the Iran Deal. Will President Trump embrace his campaign promise and decertify the Iran Deal or not? He should decertify the deal and withdraw from it. Iran has demonstrated that it will overthrow other countries and preaches destruction of all people and countries that don’t compart with Islam. Trump is under pressure from Rex Tillerson and James Mattis to stay in the deal. What Barack Obama did to our country is the worst that any president has ever done in the form of an agreement with any power.


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