10/12/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: President Trump is trying to bring down the cost and increase the options for the individual in this country regarding healthcare. Trump is doing what he can from the executive branch and the Obamacare statutes give him the leeway to do so. It is precious to hear Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer attack Trump for not going through Congress, yet they were the ones that passed the statute allowing Trump to make the changes he did on Thursday. The problem with healthcare is government’s iron fist and the politicization of it by the left. What Trump is doing is a good tiny first step and one of the few steps the President can take unilaterally. However, the left is so obsessed with Obamacare that even small steps to give individuals relief from the burdens of Obamacare are opposed. After that, it looks like Trump will decertify the Iran Deal. The next step is to kill the deal, but the left does not want the President to take the next step to drop the deal. They are trying to make it sound like it will result in a catastrophe and that Trump is reckless. Trump is in no way putting America at a greater conceivable risk by pulling out of the Iran Deal. Also, the Harvey Weinstein scandal has helped bring to light to the cultural rot in Hollywood. It’s bigger than Weinstein and there has been a massive conspiracy of silence and cover-up. Weinstein and others in Hollywood are not just creating inappropriate or immoral behavior, it could easily be criminal behavior. Hollywood is an industry like anything else (coal, football, cell phones, etc.) And because the industry has been perpetuating real, legitimate criminal conduct, there should be an FBI unit created, at least temporarily, to investigate the activities taking place in Hollywood.