10/9/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: It's Columbus Day, but not in Los Angeles where they are celebrating the city’s first Indigenous People’s Day. Yes this is another point of history where we are supposed to espouse the left, because all these people in our past were not as great as Al Sharpton, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama or Nancy Pelosi. The left is busy defacing monuments of Columbus and others, because according to them America is a terrible place and leftists are the only perfect people. The truth is that we don’t know what Indigenous People’s Day means as research is showing that the first Americans may have been descended from people out of Southeast Asia, particular Australia. The city of Los Angeles doesn’t know what indigenous means either. The goal is to trash the country and trash America's Founding. The left believes that what Christopher Columbus did in discovering America must be destroyed and ripped out from the history books. The people who are attacking Columbus Day know exactly what they are doing. It is the Marxist left and social justice warriors that are behind this. They want to destroy Americanism. Also, all of us should celebrate Columbus Day, because what Columbus brought to this country was a modern world, so we could live the way we live today. It was not paradise before Columbus came, not in the least. The pre-Columbus world was harsh. For example, the Aztec's practiced human sacrifice and treated conquered tribes lethally. In addition, what Mike Pence did by leaving the NFL game because of the protest was courageous. He has exposed the NFL players. People are accusing Pence of making a choreographed move, yet the NFL players taking a knee is choreographed. Protests by NFL players have lost all substance. They have taken their celebrity status and abused it with their protest. If you are really a social justice warrior prove it. What most sportscasters and mouth pieces don’t understand is that the regular working people who watch the NFL do not support the players taking a knee. Later, Bob Corker was happy to eviscerate the Treaty Clause of the Constitution with the Iran deal. The Treaty Clause requires two-thirds of Senators to agree to ratify treaties. Alexander Hamilton explained in Federalist 75 that if we were to have legal arrangements with another country, more than one man should be involved.