10/10/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Wealthy NFL players have abused their positions. They get on their knee for a minute and cause all this tumult and go home thinking they have done something great. They have really done zero to participate in the social justice cause. NFL surrogates keep saying it is not against the flag or the National Anthem but against police officers. But we don’t have systemic police abuse in this country, there is no evidence for this claim in any reputable survey. Nobody is saying police departments are perfect, but neither are football players. The football players are not united because of civil rights, but because of the NFL players union. The union and players have decided to take on the fans and are just in it for themselves. After that, apparently the pervasions of Harvey Weinstein have been known for decades by various journalists, the NY Times and big names in Hollywood. Hollywood is filled with frauds and fakes who pretend to stand for women’s rights. Are there more men and women like Weinstein in Hollywood? This is a massive cover up in the Hollywood community. Why would Hillary Clinton, the Obama’s and the National Organization for Women wait 5 days to condemn this? Because Progressivism is a poison and a drive for power and control. They will cut a guy like Harvey Weinstein loose, but they would rather not. Later, there is a lot of talk about cleaning out the Republican Establishment in primaries. We may be able to slow down the regression by electing conservatives but we are not going to save the Republic by doing this. Our Republic has been degraded so much that in order reverse course a Convention of States is needed. Many issues like private property, the 17th Amendment, and federal spending can only be reined in by Article V. The Convention of States needs to become the primary focus of constitutional conservatives.