10/13/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: the Democrats now stand with the Islamo-Nazi regime in Iran. They stand with a terror state that threatens to destroy our country, Israel and the surrounding Arab and Gulf states instead of with the best interests of America. How many times have you heard Democrats talk about the Constitution being a living and breathing document? Yet when it comes to the Iran deal, it’s untouchable, because Barack Obama signed it. Democrats are so filled with hate and a desire for power that even when Trump does the correct thing, they can’t accept that. It is astonishing how Obama sold out the U.S. and how the Democrat Party is in support of this. This deal was secured with the evisceration of the Treaty Clause of the Constitution. The same people who were behind securing this agreement are now claiming that the President not reject what they created. Meanwhile, Congress has 60 days to fix the Iran Deal. Will Democrats use the filibuster to protect Iran? If they do they need to be called out for it. After that, Trump ended Obamacare's illegal insurance company subsidies. Obama decided that in order to hold up Obamacare he would violate the Constitution and the ACA statute. His violation of Article 1 of the Constitution and the ACA statute was declared by a federal court, but Obama did not care and ordered the Treasury Department to issue subsidies anyway. Later, Christopher Scalia calls in to talk about his new book, “Scalia Speaks”