10/5/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Members of the House and the Senate have the answer to mass murder: ban bump stocks. They have a bipartisan bill and they are going to pat themselves on the back by banning something that most of us have never heard of. If Stephen Paddock hadn’t had this device he would have used other devices to slaughter as many human beings as he could. Before anybody heard of bump stocks and other similar devices, the left was already pushing for the evisceration of the 2nd Amendment. Bret Stephens, a pseudo conservative, calls for the repeal of the Second Amendment entirely and says that James Madison would agree with him. This version of illiteracy burped up by Stephens will be used by the Left repeatedly. After that, John Bolton calls in to talk about the Iran Deal. What President Trump should do is decertify the Iran Deal and walk away. Trump has certified, not once, but twice already. Only in Washington could you get wrapped in a conundrum like this. Trump needs to show moral leadership and do what he said in his campaign and get out of the deal entirely. The Iranians will take full advantage of our weak position in this deal. Why do we have to wait for Iran to have nuclear weapons ready and pointed at us?