Mark Levin Podcast show

Mark Levin Podcast

Summary: Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, "Unfreedom of the Press," is out now. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.

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 7/31/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

Mitch McConnell is threatening consultants and third parties that if they help anyone going against Luther Strange they will not get business from the Republican Party. What he is doing against Mo Brooks is despicable. McConnell is trying to paint Brooks as an anti-Trump and pro Nancy Pelosi politician. McConnell is a failed leader who cannot communicate to the people and tell the truth to his base. He and the Republican elite view us as pawns and as people to be manipulated. The Republican machine lies and deceives its constituents every election cycle. After that, Bernie Sanders likes to talk about how great single payer is. Why didn’t Vermont put single payer in place if they would have saved money by implementing it? Sanders keeps bringing up Canada as a good example of single payer. Nobody runs from America to Canada for their great healthcare because of lines and rationing. Do the American people want to wait 47 weeks to see a neurologist or wait a month to see a radiation oncologist? Why don’t Republicans go to toe to toe with Democrats on this debate? Republicans support big government healthcare. These politicians keep passing laws of which they know nothing about. This is about us. Have you ever had a government agency that was responsive to you? We are all supposed to hate the private sector, private business and successful people, because Sanders and his ilk are always trying to pass their ideology on us. Also, Sanders should be reminded that people are not thrown off their healthcare at all, but will drop the coverage once the healthcare mandate is eliminated. This healthcare debate has been based on all lies. To add, Anthony Scaramucci is no longer the White House Communications Director. Trump was right to let him go. It doesn’t matter who you are, no one has a right to talk the way he did to reporters. John Kelly will do a good job in this position. Later, a two state solution is a final solution for the state of Israel. The Palestinian authority is now going to give $344 million in foreign aid to terrorists. This money is coming from the U.S., Europe and even from Israel. Finally, the North Koreans say they can now go as far as Denver with an ICBM. Our Congress has been spending an entire year in chasing phony collusion claims. We have a special counsel who is investigating, among other things, the firing of James Comey. Meanwhile, More than half the continental U.S. is within range of a North Korean missile. It is a grave threat to the country.

 7/28/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6592

Dan Bongino, Contributing Editor for Conservative Review fills in for Mark. Reince Priebus is out as Chief of Staff for President Trump. Priebus resigned and is being replaced by head of the DHS, John Kelly. We are going to have more order in the West Wing now. After that, Susan Collins does nothing that is Republican. She voted against a straight Obamacare repeal and is consistently against Republican values. She needs to be primaried by a serious conservative. The label Republican is supposed to mean something. In addition, we don’t need the Republican Party which is a shell of a party. What good are they? They failed to pass a simple Obamacare repeal bill and are already folding on tax cuts. There are people who are happy with the status quo in the Republican and Democrat Party and then there are people who want to change it. This is why it is a good time to think about threatening a third party. What we are doing right now is not working. This is not a question of, if we split the vote or not. Who are we splitting the vote with, but between actual conservatives and establishment? The Founding Fathers were involved in real tangible decisions that had life or death ramifications. Those like Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and George Washington had real courage. They didn’t live in the past but in the present. If they knew what was going on in our nation today they would be very upset. Unlike the Founding Fathers, Republicans can’t get out of their own way. Finally, not one Democrat signed to have Fusion GPS come testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Fusion GPS is the firm that put out the discredited dossier on Trump and Democrats are scared because they may have helped fund them.

 7/27/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6890

If the Commander in Chief believes that transgender issues have no place in the military then they have no place in the military. This is not about an individual’s desire to express him or herself, but about the US military. The military is where you learn discipline, to follow orders, and to protect your fellow countrymen. After that, the House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Devin Nunes is accusing Barack Obama of making hundreds of requests to unmask Americans including those attached to the Trump transition team. Obama’s requests numbered by the hundreds and lacked a serious intelligence justification. Nunes has done more to uncover what is going on than virtually anyone else. In addition, William Browder is a hero, because he is a marked man by Vladimir Putin. Browder’s testimony is being ignored by the mainstream media. He has pointed out that Fusion GPS is a smear operation that does the bidding of the Kremlin. Yet, James Comey and senior people of the FBI were impressed by the phony dossier report they put out. The dossier for the most part was built on Kremlin disinformation and is a typical KGB nonsense. The entire argument that Putin wanted to install Trump is a lie, he wanted to disrupt our election process. Later, Anthony Scaramucci wants to hunt down the leakers. He should hunt them down instead of talking to reporters and tweeting about them. Scaramucci is the biggest leaker of all. The things he said about Steve Bannon are disgusting. The American people are not going to tolerate this in the next election if the White House doesn’t get its act together. Finally, Congress is not going to reauthorize a spy program if nobody is held accountable for breaking the law. Republican members, including Ron DeSantis, on the House Judiciary Committee are united to investigate Ben Rhodes and others involved for any role they had in leaking classified information.

 7/26/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

The Republican Senate along with every single Democrat voted against repealing Obamacare. The 7 Republicans who voted against have ensured that there will be no private healthcare in 10-15 years. It is clear that Obamacare is here to stay in one form or another. The Democrats have made clear what their intention is - single payer. This is what they have wanted for centuries. The takers of society and businesses are going to love it. Rationing and lines will begin like every industrialized society that has taken this route. The only people who are going to hate it is the American people. You are supposed to decide what kind of plan and care you get, not the government. This is the biggest lie in modern political history. Also, Medicaid is a welfare program. The answer to this is not a better Republican mouse trap, the answer is freedom, entrepreneurship, completion, and choice. After that, next year we are told North Korea may have a working ICBM. What should we do if they arm that ICBM with a nuclear warhead and aim it at California? It is amazing they are not even having a discussion about this. To add, the U.S. military exists to defend our nation. It is not a petri dish for every radical idea of the left. If the generals tell us that allowing transgenders to serve in the military would disrupt our ability to defend this country, then that is that. You have to give the President credit on this. Sometimes no means no and it is not a civil rights issue, but a defense issue. We are going to take our bathrooms and military back from the left. Finally, Senate Democrats used a parliamentary maneuver to cut short a hearing where Bill Browder was set tell the Senate Judiciary Committee about how Glen Simpson of Fusion GPS was hired by to do a smear campaign against him. Why don’t the Democrats want to hear from this guy? This is showing more and more that Donald Trump Jr. was set up.

 7/25/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Everyone is so excited over the 51-50 vote for proceeding with debate on a replacement for Obamacare, with Mike Pence casting the tie breaking vote. You have John Boehner who believes Obamacare has been around too long to be repealed and you have Mitch McConnell and his misconduct. Then you have President Trump, who wants to sign anything that comes to his desk so he can claim a victory. The only antidote to Obamacare is free market capitalism. This is about us being able to purchase an affordable healthcare plan. We have an entire debate which is not a debate at all. It is virtually a 100% embrace of a notion of liberty and law that is alien to our founding. The two Republicans that voted against debate were two of the most liberal Republicans, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski. Have you seen any leaks against them? Conservatives are attacked and liberals get a pass because they vote with the Democrats. Later, AG Jeff Sessions has spent 30 years fighting for conservatism. As Attorney General, he has defended this President brilliantly and aggressively in hostile federal courts and the first major politician to endorse Trump. It would be a horrible mistake for the President to dismiss him. Trump will never find somebody who is as loyal to him and his agenda as Sessions has been. Sessions does not deserve to be treated this way by Trump as if he is some enemy or hostile. Finally, newly declassified memos detail the extent of improper Obama-era NSA spying. This is what Congress and a special prosecutor should be investigating!

 7/24/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

Chuck Schumer and the Democratic Party have a new 2018 campaign slogan, “A Better Deal for the American Worker.” The Democrats don’t care about anybody who works, they care about people going on welfare. Their idea is a more massive bureaucracy with more regulation with more controls. Schumer promises to raise the minimum wage, to create new government agencies, to establish new welfare programs, and to spend $1 trillion on infrastructure. Which is to say, the Democrats have no new ideas. They’ve been selling this warmed-over, marxism for over 100 years, which is one of the reasons we’re in the situation we're in right now. It’s a better deal for America’s welfare recipients. After that, President Trump is saying if Republicans oppose a motion to go forward with a procedure to debate Mitch McConnell’s healthcare bill they are for Obamacare. Trump is trying to press Senators to vote for this procedural vote. What we need to do is support the Constitution. If we are not going to take a stand on Obamacare is there anything we are going to take a stand on? In addition, General Tony Thomas was talking about a leak to the New York Times which outed a covert agent. This agent’s name was made public by the Times who argued that it was already public, but that doesn’t matter. This is why people hate the media.

 7/21/17-Mark Levin Show Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

On Friday's Mark Levin show, yes, President Trump could pardon himself and his family. What’s important is what the Constitution says in Article 2 Clause 1 - the President shall have power to grant reprieves or pardon for grievances against the US. There are no limitations on the text except for cases of impeachment. Regardless of how the move may look politically, the question isn’t a political one. Rather, it’s simply about what’s in the Constitution. After that, Orrin Hatch was sent out to attack Mike Lee. If you follow Orrin Hatch, Paul Ryan, and Mitch McConnell’s line of thinking, conservatives like Lee are Obamacare Republicans, which is completely false. The political knives are out from the elite and establishment Republicans to get Mike Lee. In addition, Both Republicans and Democrats are lying about healthcare. Republicans lie that they are going to repeal and Democrats lie that Republicans actually mean to repeal Obamacare. Also, Republicans have lost the debate over healthcare because they have not engaged in the debate. 62% of American people now support the idea that the federal government must provide healthcare. This is a fight over ideas. If we lose the fight over first principles to progressives and their ideology, we will not recover this nation. It is not a battle between Republican and Democrat, but is about Americanism vs. Progressivism. Later, 3 Arab terrorists shot 2 Israeli police officers dead in the Temple Mount area. Now Israel has put metal detectors there for anyone entering, and the Palestinians are in an uproar. Mahmoud Abbas and Muslim leaders are encouraging people to protest against the Israeli security forces until the metal detectors are removed. This is just a pretext to kill more Israelis. Adam Kredo calls in to explain why the State Dept is unsure why Palestinian terrorists kill Israelis.

 7/20/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Are we capable of choosing our own health care policies or making our own health care decisions? Do you trust politicians and bureaucrats to make decisions about the health care of your family? If you do, which politicians and which bureaucrats do you trust to make these decisions? Are we not a free people, an independent people? Liberty is all but forgotten in the health care debate. Republicans and Democrats are unified in the belief that government must be involved with health care. The idea that all of us should be wards of the government, wards of the state, incapable of making our own decisions must be stopped and has to be fought. In addition, we have reached a point in our country where liberty is defined through government subsidies and welfare. This is not liberty this is servitude. We are in a state of servitude to Obamacare. The government drives up the cost of medical care and deductibles and is creating waiting lists and rationing. Later, Freedom Caucus members Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows call in to discuss a petition to get a bill brought up before the House that would send the same repeal bill Republicans sent to Obama in 2015 to President Trump. The petition would require 218 congressmen to sign on. If we can’t get rid of Obamacare now, we will never get rid of it. A lot of Republicans campaigned against Obamacare, but are not willing to vote against it. It is time for them to legislate and live up to their words. Finally, Robert Mueller is a dangerous man and is going well beyond his mandate. Mueller is now starting to dig into Trump’s business dealings.

 7/19/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

There is a typical smear campaign going on launched by Mitch McConnell’s office against Mike Lee and he’s using the phony conservative media to do this. What pseudo conservatives like Avik Roy are saying, is that thanks to Mike Lee, every bit of Obamacare will remain. McConnell has put out the word go after the conservatives. Lisa Murkowski, Shelley, Capito, and Susan Collins should be defeated, not Lee. Of course there are no articles by Roy on this. In addition, Medicaid was created in 1966. It covered 4 million people in its first year. Now Medicaid has expanded thanks to Obamacare and covers 73.5 million people. States signing up for it got a 100% reimbursement for the first few years. People think that having Republican governors is great, but quite a few signed on for this Medicaid expansion, including, Michigan, Ohio, New Mexico, New Jersey and others. Now Republicans don’t want Medicaid touched. They wrap themselves in compassion, but are not being compassionate as more people will receive coverage but not quality care. This is a battle between liberty and tyranny and Americanism and Progressivism. The left and elements of the Republican Party all share this progressive mindset. Is it too much to ask in a Republic that you and I be free to choose what kind of healthcare we want? We are being devoured by the progressive ideology where even debate on this doesn’t occur. Later, this whole Russian collusion narrative is phony. Why aren’t former Obama Administration staffers like Samantha Powers testifying? The President’s family members, Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner are being dragged in front of Republican committees to testify. How can it possible be that the Senate Intelligence Committee and Senate Judiciary Committee are doing this without a scintilla of evidence that Kushner and Trump Jr. have done anything wrong? Finally, the Palestinian Authority has published its budget for 2017. They are increasing financial outlays to so-called martyrs and their families and are ignoring demands by the U.S. to stop terror

 7/18/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Dan Bongino, Contributing Editor at Conservative Review fills in for Mark. You have the Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and Rand Paul axis in the Senate and then you have everyone else. The Republican Party is a waste of our time and they suckered us. They took our donations and time, making us believe that they would repeal Obamacare. What is one major long and lasting policy victory the Republican Party has had in 30 years? They can’t tell you one and have let us down on healthcare and are going to let us down on taxes. Nothing is going to change in this movement until the grassroots makes it change. In spite of this, Democrats are still worse as they are nihilists and want to destroy this country. Later, Mitch McConnell is going to put up a vote for a full repeal of Obamacare with no replacement. It is unlikely that this will pass but at least Republicans will be on the record for where they stand. Moderates like Shelley Moore Capito better vote for this bill or she is going to be in trouble politically. If Capito doesn’t vote for this bill she will probably never live it down in West Virginia as future opponents will remember where she stood. After that, Medicare Reserves will be exhausted by 2028. How can the left tell us that Medicare is a model for success when it is failing? By free market standards Medicare is a substandard of care.

 7/17/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

On Monday’s Mark Levin show, while President Trump is making this week, “Made in America Week, ” does he and the Republican Party really believe in it? Why adopt a European style socialized healthcare system? That system means rationing and lines. If we really believe in “Made in America” we will adopt a healthcare system that will help our coal workers, steel workers and all Americans. Made in America is about liberty and individualism and that we are mature enough to decide what kind of healthcare we want. In addition, what the Republicans are proposing is not going to reduce deductibles or the cost of care. This bill is a loser and should not be voted for. It is ironic when it comes to the massive healthcare industry, that the entire debate on healthcare is a progressive debate. There is no Americanism in this debate and nothing about free markets, private property or choice. Also, moderate Republicans have already extracted payoffs from Mitch McConnell for support of the Republican healthcare bill. If Republican senators are serious in maintaining a majority they shouldn’t do stupid things like going behind our backs and making these deals. After that, while GOP leadership promotes healthcare, not a finger is lifted in support of the military. Can we have a bill that doesn't turn our military into a social engineering project? Finally, the media focus on Trump and Russia, yet there are no discussions with Hillary about the Clinton Foundation’s contacts with the Russians. How come Republicans will not inquire or look into this? The weakness they show is unprecedented. Finally, Mike Lee calls in to say that he and Jerry Moran are not going to be voting in the Senate for a motion to proceed with the Republican healthcare bill. America wants more repeal.

 7/14/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer wasn’t inappropriate, what’s inappropriate is that this country is being pushed off the cliff. We are in deep trouble because the politicians are destroying our culture, borders, finances and military. We have Islamonazis in Iran violating the deal cut by Barack Obama. They are building ICBMs and aiming them at us. The Democrats voted for this and they dare to go after Donald Trump Jr. for a meeting where nothing happened. There is no scandal in this meeting as the media continue to drag it on and on. Look at what is taking place and the distraction. They think we are so stupid, but the American people don’t care how many Russians were in the meeting with Trump Jr. It is a disgrace for people including Charles Krauthammer to spend so much time on this nonissue. Why doesn’t the media focus on the 16 military service men who were killed in a tragic accident? The 15 marines and one navy corpsman were flying in a KC-130 and crashed in Mississippi on Monday. In addition, does anybody remember the multiple occasions when the Muslim Brotherhood had visits to the Obama White House? What about Obama’s meetings with CAIR? You had a President selling out the country with his secret deals, violating the treaty clause of the Constitution, and meeting with these radical groups. These are the real and serious issues. Finally, the day after President Trump won the election, there was lawsuits to challenge his agenda, violence in the streets, Democrat Judges blocking him and Democrats undermining him. All of this, leaks included, is intended to destroy Trump and his agenda.

 7/13/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

There is a strong possibility that Mitch McConnell is gearing up to screw conservatives in the forthcoming Senate health care bill. Sources from the Republican leadership say that the Ted Cruz and Mike Lee amendment, which allows insurers to sell different plans other than Obamacare, could be altered or removed later. This amendment may be the only thing that gets some conservatives on board, and knowing how McConnell operates, it is very possible he could rip it out in reconciliation leaving conservatives hanging. Also, John Cornyn is saying if you vote against the Republican healthcare bill you are voting for Obamacare. It is Cornyn, Mitch McConnell and the majority of Republicans who are responsible for failing to repeal Obamacare. After that, the Treasury’s monthly federal spending topped $400B for the first time. What will future generations say about us if we continue this massive driving up of the debt? Later, Russian lawyer, Natalie Veselnitskaya, with whom Donald Trump Jr. met was let into the U.S by Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Veselnitskaya got permission to have her stay in the country extended in 2016. She embarked on a lobbying campaign against the Magnitsky Act, passed by Congress. Finally, Linda Sarsour is now threatening individuals and in media outlets. Her rhetoric is hateful and bigoted. We don’t need any lectures from her about what jihad means. Many of our soldiers have died because of this jihad.

 7/12/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6892

According to the Democrats and the media, we are supposed to focus on Donald Trump Jr. now. People are saying that Jared Kushner's legal team leaked the Trump Jr. emails. That is not true as they discovered the emails and had to go through the FBI to amend Trump Jr's security clearance. Were the email leakers part of the FBI security clearance team? This is all a joke. The more we find out about Trump Jr., the more we know the media attacks against him are absurd. While the whole nation, hour after hour on T.V. and radio is forced to chase these shiny objects, Mitch McConnell is trying to pass a healthcare bill that he hasn’t even shown to all Senate Republicans; he showed it to the K-Street lobbyists first. We need to repeal and replace McConnell. The most intelligent proposal short of full repeal is by Ted Cruz and Mike Lee. Their proposal has insurance companies offer one policy that has all the junk in Obamacare and then enables the insurers to offer affordable insurance policies that people actually want. After that, Rowan Scarborough of the Washington Times calls in to talk about how the Democrats used disinformation on Russia to attack the Trump campaign. Scarborough says that the real collusion was between the Democrats and the Russians. Also, Paul Kengor, Professor at Grove City College, calls in to talk about how Ted Kennedy reached out to the Kremlin to influence the 1984 election. In addition, Bob Corker helped to arm the regime in Iran and helped clear the way for them to build ICBM’s. Corker blocked a bill by Rand Paul to stop funding for the Palestinian Authority’s aid to terrorist fund. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent to subsidize terrorists. Finally, Mo Brooks calls in to talk about Mitch McConnell’s Super PAC running ads against him in Alabama. Brooks is a constitutional conservative and that is why McConnell Is after him. These ads are flat out lies and try to paint Brooks as a leftist.

 7/11/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6891

Our borders are wide open, we need to rebuild our military, and the Islamo-nazis in Iran are building ICBM’S, yet we are a nation that wastes its time accusing Donald Trump Jr. of collusion with Russia. The New York Times piece says nothing and is smearing Trump Jr. Trump Jr. along with Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort met with a Russian lawyer. We are told that this is evidence of dishonesty yet the New York Times does not offer any evidence that the lawyer had ties to the Kremlin or that she provided any damaging information to Trump Jr. He met with the Russian lawyer and that is it. If anything, this demonstrates that there was no collusion between President Trump and Russia. How did the three people who leaked to the New York Times even get access to this information? This happens endlessly to Republican administrations. In addition, the Hillary Clinton campaign colluded with the Ukrainian government to get information on Paul Manafort who was part of the Trump campaign. A DNC official Alexander Chalupa approached the Ukrainian government for this information and then shared it with the Clinton campaign. How was this any different from Trump Jr.'s situation?


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