7/11/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Our borders are wide open, we need to rebuild our military, and the Islamo-nazis in Iran are building ICBM’S, yet we are a nation that wastes its time accusing Donald Trump Jr. of collusion with Russia. The New York Times piece says nothing and is smearing Trump Jr. Trump Jr. along with Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort met with a Russian lawyer. We are told that this is evidence of dishonesty yet the New York Times does not offer any evidence that the lawyer had ties to the Kremlin or that she provided any damaging information to Trump Jr. He met with the Russian lawyer and that is it. If anything, this demonstrates that there was no collusion between President Trump and Russia. How did the three people who leaked to the New York Times even get access to this information? This happens endlessly to Republican administrations. In addition, the Hillary Clinton campaign colluded with the Ukrainian government to get information on Paul Manafort who was part of the Trump campaign. A DNC official Alexander Chalupa approached the Ukrainian government for this information and then shared it with the Clinton campaign. How was this any different from Trump Jr.'s situation?