7/13/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: There is a strong possibility that Mitch McConnell is gearing up to screw conservatives in the forthcoming Senate health care bill. Sources from the Republican leadership say that the Ted Cruz and Mike Lee amendment, which allows insurers to sell different plans other than Obamacare, could be altered or removed later. This amendment may be the only thing that gets some conservatives on board, and knowing how McConnell operates, it is very possible he could rip it out in reconciliation leaving conservatives hanging. Also, John Cornyn is saying if you vote against the Republican healthcare bill you are voting for Obamacare. It is Cornyn, Mitch McConnell and the majority of Republicans who are responsible for failing to repeal Obamacare. After that, the Treasury’s monthly federal spending topped $400B for the first time. What will future generations say about us if we continue this massive driving up of the debt? Later, Russian lawyer, Natalie Veselnitskaya, with whom Donald Trump Jr. met was let into the U.S by Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Veselnitskaya got permission to have her stay in the country extended in 2016. She embarked on a lobbying campaign against the Magnitsky Act, passed by Congress. Finally, Linda Sarsour is now threatening individuals and in media outlets. Her rhetoric is hateful and bigoted. We don’t need any lectures from her about what jihad means. Many of our soldiers have died because of this jihad.