7/31/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Mitch McConnell is threatening consultants and third parties that if they help anyone going against Luther Strange they will not get business from the Republican Party. What he is doing against Mo Brooks is despicable. McConnell is trying to paint Brooks as an anti-Trump and pro Nancy Pelosi politician. McConnell is a failed leader who cannot communicate to the people and tell the truth to his base. He and the Republican elite view us as pawns and as people to be manipulated. The Republican machine lies and deceives its constituents every election cycle. After that, Bernie Sanders likes to talk about how great single payer is. Why didn’t Vermont put single payer in place if they would have saved money by implementing it? Sanders keeps bringing up Canada as a good example of single payer. Nobody runs from America to Canada for their great healthcare because of lines and rationing. Do the American people want to wait 47 weeks to see a neurologist or wait a month to see a radiation oncologist? Why don’t Republicans go to toe to toe with Democrats on this debate? Republicans support big government healthcare. These politicians keep passing laws of which they know nothing about. This is about us. Have you ever had a government agency that was responsive to you? We are all supposed to hate the private sector, private business and successful people, because Sanders and his ilk are always trying to pass their ideology on us. Also, Sanders should be reminded that people are not thrown off their healthcare at all, but will drop the coverage once the healthcare mandate is eliminated. This healthcare debate has been based on all lies. To add, Anthony Scaramucci is no longer the White House Communications Director. Trump was right to let him go. It doesn’t matter who you are, no one has a right to talk the way he did to reporters. John Kelly will do a good job in this position. Later, a two state solution is a final solution for the state of Israel. The Palestinian authority is now going to give $344 million in foreign aid to terrorists. This money is coming from the U.S., Europe and even from Israel. Finally, the North Koreans say they can now go as far as Denver with an ICBM. Our Congress has been spending an entire year in chasing phony collusion claims. We have a special counsel who is investigating, among other things, the firing of James Comey. Meanwhile, More than half the continental U.S. is within range of a North Korean missile. It is a grave threat to the country.